A report of the 27th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop. Assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod stock for 1998
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Description:"The status of the Gulf of Maine cod (Gadus morhua) stock is reviewed, and estimates of 1997 fishing mortality and spawning stock biomass and the 1998 survivors are presented. Precision of the 1997 fishing mortality and spawning stock biomass estimates for Gulf of Maine cod is also provided. Short-term projections of 1999 landings and resulting 2000 spawning stock biomass at sources of information including: USA landings-at-age estimates, Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) and Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) spring and autumn research vessel survey data, NEFSC sea sample data, and standardized USA commercial fishing effort data. This assessment updates the analyses presented in the 1997 assessment of the Gulf of Maine cod stock (Mayo 1998)."
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