Seasonality availability of finfish and shellfish in the southeastern region
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Description:"The southeastern region fishery resources are exploited by both commercial haJVestors and recreational user groups. Many of these fishery resources exhibit seasonal changes in stock availability and are not always present in all areas of the southeast for commercial and recreational harvest Since both recreational and commercial user groups can benefit from better knowledge about the seasonal availability of the resource by area and time of year, the accompanying tables have been developed. The fust set of tables present the finfish species alphabetically by state where the landings occurred The second set of tables present the shellfish species alphabetically by state of landing. The available commercial landings data from 1977 to 1986 were used to develop a ten year annual average pounds landed and the percentage of that annual average landed each month was determined for each species by state in the southeastern region to reduce the influence of individual year fluctuations in stock size. Commerciallandin~ data provides an exceUant index of the seasonal availabili ty of many finfISh and sheUfish species used by commercial and recreational fishermen. however, species that are in demand by recreational users exclusively such as tarpon and bone fish could not be accounted for in the tables. Individuals interested in harvesting a particular species of fish can inspect the tables to determine the time of year the species is most prevalent in each state of the southeastern region. For example, if king mackerel is the species of interest, the finfISh tables indicate that December through March is the best time of year to fish for king mackerel in Florida; the percentage landed varing from 10.34% to 18.67% respectively. King mackerel landings are relatively lower in Florida during the summer months indicating ,3 reduced stock availability"--Introduction.
Content Notes:by John M. Ward.
"July 1989".
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