Cruise Report: EX-13-04 Legs 1 & 2, Northeast U.S. Canyons Expedition 2013 (ROV and Mapping)
Series: EX-13-04
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Description:Northeast U.S. Canyons Expedition 2013 (EX-13-04 Legs 1 & 2) was a combined mapping and ROV expedition to the canyons, inter-canyons, and seamounts of the Northwest Atlantic that took place between July 8 and August 17, 2013. Operations during this 36-day at sea expedition included a combination of remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dives in support of community, regional, OER internal, and OER partner priorities as well as exploratory mapping operations targeting areas containing no or poor-quality modern mapping data. There were 31 ROV dives conducted from depths of 500 m to 3,271 m, for a total of over 195 hours of bottom time, at 10 primary (named) canyons, two minor canyons, Mytilus seamount, and inter-canyon areas—including five U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) marine hazard sites and four hydrocarbon seep sites. In addition, 19 CTD casts were conducted, and sonar mapping surveyed 14,641 square kilometers of seafloor. Exploration of the canyon system determined the canyons to be hot spots for biodiversity, revealing deep-sea coral and sponge habitats at every canyon, range extensions of fauna not previously known to occur in the area, and suspected new species. Three new cold seeps and associated chemosynthetic communities were discovered and investigated during the expedition. This report contains summaries of the operations, including mapping operations, outreach activities, and a cruise schedule. All data associated with this expedition have been archived and are publicly available through the NOAA Archives.
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