Leveraging the legacy of the CalCOFI Monitoring Program: A summary for west coast fishery and ocean resource managers
Series: Administrative report LJ ; 21-02
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Description:This report was written by the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) program for west coast fishery and ocean resource managers. It is intended to spark a dialogue about how CalCOFI’s rich ocean monitoring legacy can best contribute to fisheries and marine ecosystem management priorities. California is fortunate to have one of the world’s longest-running, integrated ocean ecosystem sampling programs. Launched in 1949, CalCOFI was originally intended to investigate the oceanic conditions that drove the 1940’s Pacific Sardine crash and to inform future ocean management responses. Today, it is one of a handful of ocean monitoring programs that simultaneously collects biological, chemical, and physical variables across the California Current marine ecosystem (CCE). This has proven valuable in understanding population dynamics for a variety of commercially-important marine species in addition to understanding marine ecosystem processes (e.g., biological responses to El Niños, upwelling events). In the last decade, new questions are being asked of ocean monitoring and data as our ocean undergoes rapid, unprecedented, and profound changes. Given these emerging and expanded questions, CalCOFI partnered with California Sea Grant to explore today’s ocean monitoring priorities and take a fresh look at how ocean users are leveraging CalCOFI data and products. This report summarizes feedback from these stakeholders and identifies ways in which CalCOFI plans to mature its monitoring program, products, and partnerships to meet ongoing and future fishery and ocean ecosystem monitoring needs.
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