Cruise Results: NOAA Fisheries Research Vessel Gordon Gunter, Cruise No. GU 13-05 Ecosystem Monitoring Cruise
Alternative Title:Cruise Results, Cruise No GU 13-05 Ecosystems Monitoring Survey
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Description:The cruise period was 07 November to 26 November 2013. The NOAA fisheries research vessel Gordon Gunter stopped to lower instruments over the side at 81 stations. Samples were collected in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Southern New England, Georges Bank, and the Gulf of Maine regions. The principal objective of the survey was to assess the pelagic components of the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Ecosystem from water currents to plankton, pelagic fishes, marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds. Specifically we wanted to quantify the spatial distribution of the following parameters: water currents, water properties, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, mesozooplankton, pelagic fish and invertebrates, sea turtles, marine mammals, and sea birds. We planned to use traditional and novel techniques and instruments used by the Ecosystem Monitoring survey and the NEFSC Herring Acoustic survey to make a broad array of measurements of the pelagic ecosystem. Operational objectives were: (1) collect underway data using TSG, SCS, and ADCP; (2) complete CTD and bongo operations at stations throughout area, (3) calibrate the EK60 Scientific Sounder, (4) conduct acoustic surveys using the EK60, (5) collect biological data to verify species-specific acoustic measurements using midwater trawls, (6) collect marine mammal and seabird observations.
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