NOAA's climate observations and services
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:Climate change and variability have major ramifications for the nation, from the storms of next week to the drought of next season to the potential human- induced climate change over the coming century. Increasingly, NOAA is providing a range of climate services to users, from regional groups interested in climate impacts on water, energy or agriculture to international science assessment teams addressing global climate change. All interests are concerned with minimizing the risks of unusual climate conditions and maximizing its potential benefits. Climate information only acquires value through use. Simply put, the mission of NOAA’s Climate Services is to provide people with climate information useful in making decisions. This brochure describes these climate services, how and to whom the services will be provided, the operational NOAA-wide infrastructure required, and the necessary underlying research and analytical capabilities needed to assure highly credible information. It also describes the partnerships necessary to make it work and the management structure necessary to make it operate.
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