Environmental assessment for the approval of a routine program change to incorporate new and revised significant coastal fish and wildlife habitats into the New York Management Program
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Description:"The New York management program was approved in 1982 and includes coastal areas along the Atlantic Ocean and Long Island Sound, the Hudson River, and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The original management program included 44 Coastal Policies, which address development, fish and wildlife, flooding and erosion, public access, recreation, historic and scenic resources, agricultural lands, energy and ice, water and air resources, and wetlands. These policies are still in effect and have not been revised since they were originally approved. The State applies the policies through federal consistency reviews as well as state consistency reviews. Similar to federal consistency, the State has a law that requires state and local agency actions to be consistent with the policies ('state consistency). In accordance with the requirements of the Coastal Zone Management Act, the NY Coastal Management Program (CMP) has submitted to NOAA a request for approval of a Routine Program Change (RPC) to its Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat (SCFWH) designations along the Hudson River from below the Troy Dam to just above the Tappan Zee Bridge. NOAA has prepared an Environmental Assessment on its action to approve the RPC request for the Hudson River. NOAA does not believe that approval of the RPC request will have a significant impact to the environment for several reasons. First, the SCFWH changes do not include new or revised enforceable policies that address coastal uses or resources not previously managed. Second, SCFWH changes do not have a substantial impact on the national interest'"--Summary from cover letter.
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