Hot Spots of Carbon and Alkalinity Cycling in the Coastal Oceans
Source: Scientific Reports 9 (4434)
Journal Title:Scientific Reports
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:Ocean calcium carbonate (CaCO3) production and preservation play a key role in the global carbon cycle. Coastal and continental shelf (neritic) environments account for more than half of global CaCO3 accumulation. Previous neritic CaCO3 budgets have been limited in both spatial resolution and ability to project responses to environmental change. Here, a 1° spatially explicit budget for neritic CaCO3 accumulation is developed. Globally gridded satellite and benthic community area data are used to estimate community CaCO3 production. Accumulation rates (PgC yr−1) of four neritic environments are calculated: coral reefs/banks (0.084), seagrass-dominated embayments (0.043), and carbonate rich (0.037) and poor (0.0002) shelves. This analysis refines previous neritic CaCO3 accumulation estimates (~0.16) and shows almost all coastal carbonate accumulation occurs in the tropics, >50% of coral reef accumulation occurs in the Western Pacific Ocean, and 80% of coral reef, 63% of carbonate shelf, and 58% of bay accumulation occur within three global carbonate hot spots: the Western Pacific Ocean, Eastern Indian Ocean, and Caribbean Sea. These algorithms are amenable for incorporation into Earth System Models that represent open ocean pelagic CaCO3 production and deep-sea preservation and assess impacts and feedbacks of environmental change.
Source:Scientific Reports 9 (4434)
Pubmed Central ID:PMC6418168
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