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Description:The status of the Gulf of Maine cod (Gadus morhua) stock is reviewed and estimates of 1993 fishing mortality and 1994 stock size and spawning stock biomass are presented. Precision of the 1993 fishing mortality and spawning stock biomass estimates, and a retrospective analysis of the performance of the VPA for Gulf of Maine cod are also provided. Short-term projections of 1995 landings and resulting 1996 spawning stock biomass at various levels of 1995 fishing mortality, and medium-term forecasts oflandings and spawning stock biomass are also given. The 1994 assessment was based on several diverse sources of information including: USA landings at age estimates, Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) and Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) spring and autumn research vessel survey data, and standardized USA commercial fishing effort data.
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