Council Monitoring and Assessment Program (CMAP) Compilation of Existing Habitat and Water Quality Monitoring, and Mapping Assessments for the Gulf of Mexico Region
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:This report is a deliverable to the RESTORE Council for Task 7: Document the existing baseline habitat and water quality conditions prior to implementation of the restoration projects; these baseline conditions will serve as a basis for measuring change/progress after restoration. It is the second in a series of CMAP reports. The first report describes the process and development of the CMAP monitoring program inventory, herein the Inventory (NOAA and USGS, 2019). The goals and objectives for the Inventory were to identify and document existing habitat and water quality monitoring, and mapping programs, data, and protocols in the GoM. The Inventory built upon existing databases, such as the Ocean Conservancy (Love, 2015), Global Change Monitoring Portal (GCMP; GCMP, 2017),
and Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) databases (GOMA, 2013), including habitat and water quality monitoring programs at national, regional, State and local scales. This second report identifies and catalogs existing water quality, habitat and mapping assessments within the Gulf of Mexico. This assessment catalog, herein the Catalog, was intended to supplement the Inventory to identify the best available science necessary for restoration, conservation or management activities. Both the Inventory and the Catalog databases will be accessible to the Council and the greater GoM restoration, monitoring, management, and academic communities through a searchable web-based tool.
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