Economics of the Federal For‐Hire Fleet in the Southeast ‐ 2017
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Description:This report documents and summarizes results for a pilot descriptive study of the economics of the federally‐permitted for‐hire fishing sector in the Southeast USA (SE) in 2017. A short mail survey was developed and fielded to collect limited information about for‐hire vessel operations and revenue, as well as cost information about the vessel’s last SE offshore for‐hire trip. The pilot study had three objectives: 1. to test a voluntary mail survey approach in this sector; 2. to update trip‐level economic data and descriptive results available for the SE for‐hire sector; and 3. to compare the for‐hire fees provided on the survey with those available on the vessel owner’s website. In the SE, the federally‐permitted for‐hire sector can be further broken down into vessels operating between Cape Hatteras, N.C. and the Florida Keys (throughout called South Atlantic [SAT] waters) under the jurisdiction of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and those fishing in Gulf of Mexico (GOM) waters under the jurisdiction of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council. Further, but more roughly, vessels can be divided into charter vessels and head boats, where the latter are larger and take multiple independent parties fishing on scheduled trips.
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