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Mapping Data Acquisition Summary Report: CRUISE EX-19-02: ROV and mapping shakedown.
Series: EX-19-02
Personal Author:
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The purpose of this report is to briefly describe the acoustic seafloor and water-column mapping data
collection and processing methods used during shakedown expedition EX-19-02, and to present a summary
of the overall mapping results and mapping related cruise activities. A detailed description of the Okeanos
Explorer’s mapping capabilities is available in the 2019 NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Survey Readiness
Report, available in the NOAA Central Library. This report only presents information about ocean mapping
work completed on the cruise. Information about the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) work completed on
this cruise is contained in separate complementary cruise report available via the NOAA Central Library.
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Rights Information:CC0 Public Domain
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