Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:The State of Sea Grant 2018 is the Biennial Report to Congress from the Board as mandated by reauthorization of Sea Grant in 2008 [PL 110-394]. This report introduces what Sea Grant accomplished in 2016-17 with federal and matching investments. In the past, this printed report was designed to stand alone as a comprehensive summary of Sea Grant’s activities and plans. For 2018, this shorter report is designed to be a gateway to the excellent resources currently available both in print and online. All recommendations made in the 2016 Biennial Report have been met by Sea Grant. In response, Sea Grant (1) completed a Network Partnership Analysis; (2) developed a framework to set boundaries, goals, and a path for growth of the NOAA/Sea Grant Liaisons program; (3) established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Working Group and is assessing Sea Grant’s investment in diversity; (4) developed a strategy through the Sea Grant Education Network to advance environmental literacy for the next ten years and is testing new impact metrics; and (5) conducted visioning efforts that have enabled 10 topical groups to construct visions for the future based on input from within and outside of Sea Grant. Within the Sea Grant organization, as of this writing, 19 national office staff, 33 university-based state programs, 881 extension staff and educators, 1,471 scientists, and at least 2,958 partners are funded/leveraged to work together cooperatively to reach program goals. Sea Grant focused its work in the past two years on sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, resilient communities and economies, healthy coastal ecosystems, and workforce development. These Focus Areas were addressed in creative and efficient ways, using a full catalog of science and communication skills. Sea Grant advanced national priorities while solving problems locally and regionally, emphasizing partnerships, meeting stakeholder needs, and using feedback from end-users to inform research. Sea Grant continues to evolve through a rigorous evaluation process. As a result of the last quadrennial review, Lake Champlain Sea Grant was advanced to Institutional Program status. This report includes the following recommendations for Sea Grant to undertake as it continues to grow and strive toward excellence. Sea Grant should expand its capacity in and continue to (1) support implementation of its Network Visioning; (2) continue efforts to enhance diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the network; (3) add an assessment of the National Sea Grant Office and the Sea Grant program overall to its program review process; and (4, 5) build greater awareness of Sea Grant’s substantial roles in aquaculture and coastal disaster and emergency preparedness. Sea Grant should take advantage of emerging opportunities and address both current and future challenges.
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