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Description:The National Sea Grant Law Center solicits input to inform strategic planning on an ongoing basis. Stakeholders are continuously engaged in a number of ways. Priority is placed on soliciting input from the wider Sea Grant network through attendance at all regional (i.e., Great Lakes, Northeast, Mid--‐ Atlantic) and network (e.g., Sustainable Coastal Development, Fisheries Extension, Climate) meetings throughout the year. These meetings provide opportunities for Sea Grant personnel across the country to provide feedback on NSGLC initiatives and projects and offer recommendations for future work. The National Sea Grant Law Center’ Advisory Committee also provides valuable guidance in identifying research and outreach priorities, as well as strategic partnerships and initiatives. For the 2018--‐2021 strategic planning cycle, the Law Center started the planning process by evaluating progress towards achieving goals and outcomes identified in the 2014--‐2017 Strategic Plan. For goals that were not achieved, NSGLC staff conducted a relevancy review based on stakeholder input gathered through attendance at Sea Grant meetings throughout 2016. Stakeholder input, primarily formal and informal requests for information, was also used to identify emerging needs. The NSGLC then outlined priority activities for each the four focus areas identified in 2018--‐2021 National Sea Grant Network Strategic Plan. One of the emerging needs identified through the strategic planning process was access to information on the laws and policies governing water resources. The nation’ water resources are under significant stress as a result of pollution, over--‐utilization, drought, and climate change. The legal regimes that have developed in the United States to manage water resources are complex and heavily litigated. The National Sea Grant Law Center anticipates a significant increase in the number of advisory requests related to water resources in the coming years. A strategic decision was made to shift our historic focus under the Resilient Communities and Economies Focus Area away from working waterfronts and hazards to water resources to ensure adequate staff capacity and programmatic resources are available to meet these emerging needs.
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