Final restoration plan and environmental assessment for the 2002 M/V Ever Reach oil spill: Charleston, South Carolina
Alternative Title:Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for the Noisette Creek Golf Course Weltand Restoration in North Charleston, South Carolina
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Description:This Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment (Final RP/EA) has been developed by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States Department of Commerce, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), acting for the United States Department of the Interior (collectively, “the Trustees") to address the injury to, loss of, destruction of, and lost use of natural resources resulting from the accidental discharge of oil from the M/V EVERREACH in the vicinity of Charleston, South Carolina on or about September 30, 2002 (hereafter, the “oil spill” or the “Spill”). This document summarizes the Trustees’ assessment of the natural resource injuries caused by the spill (both ecological and recreational services losses) and describes the restoration actions that the Trustees have selected for use to compensate for the assessed ecological injuries. The purpose of restoration under this plan is to make the public whole by providing for restoration or replacement of resources and services that will compensate for the interim ecological resource and service losses attributable to the Spill.
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