Alaska Fisheries Science Center Quarterly Report : October, November, December, 1996
Alternative Title:Growth Patterns of the Pacific White-sided Dolphin in the Central North Pacific Ocean
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Description:The Pacific white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Gill, is one of the most abundant, widely distributed, small cetacean species inhabiting the temperate waters of the North Pacific Ocean. In the eastern North Pacific they are reported from the continental shelf and slope waters extending from the lower Gulf of California, Mexico, (approximately lat. 23°N) north along the coasts of California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. In the western North Pacific this species has been reported to occur from Taiwan northward along the coasts of Japan to the Kurile and Commander Islands. Pacific white-sided dolphins have also been observed in frequently in the southern Bering Sea. Recent reports related to studies of the high-seas driftnet fisheries reveal the Pacific white-sided dolphin to have a continuous distribution across the temperate waters of the North Pacific between lat. 38° and 47°N.
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