Assessment of the Pacific cod stock in the Gulf of Alaska
Series: Gulf of Alaska Stock Assessments
Alternative Title:GOA Chapter 2
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:There was substantial changes in the modeling approach applied in the authors’ preferred model for this year. The approach taken with the new model involves a number of simplifications compared to the relatively complex models presented in recent years for GOA Pacific cod. A goal for this year was to disentangle interactions among modeled components, particularly the seasonal fishery selectivities, to ease interpretation. Growth and selectivity treatments were also simplified so that alternative hypotheses could be explored in our models. Another benefit of model simplification was detailing data compilation issues and gaining familiarity with available data. New datasets (the AFSC sablefish longline survey index for Pacific cod along with length composition data from this survey) were also introduced. In the course of developing the model proposed by the authors, over 250 models were built and examined. This document presents a set of models developed and presented in the September Plan Team and October SSC meetings as well as the author’s choice for management of this stock. The models presented represent a subset of models deemed to be most informative for discussion and stock management.
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