Final Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for A Regulatory Amendment to Revise Regulations for Seabird Avoidance Measures in the Hook-and-line Fisheries off Alaska To Reduce the Incidental Take of the Short-tailed Albatross And Other Seabird Species
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Description:This Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis analyzes the impacts of revisions to current seabird avoidance measures in the hook-and-line fisheries off Alaska. This proposed action is based on results from research projects suggested by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (Council) Scientific and Statistical Committee, and conducted by Washington and Alaska Sea Grant Programs (SGP). This research included: 1) hook-and line surveys in waters in and off Alaska, which revealed a rarity of seabird presence in inside waters, and 2) experiments conducted to test efficacy of seabird avoidance gear use on vessels smaller than 55 feet. The research results suggest that the effectiveness of seabird avoidance measures can be improved by strengthening the gear requirements, through construction standards, for use in waters where seabirds are more common, while eliminating requirements in waters where seabirds are rarely observed. This analysis also contains options that would eliminate the required use of a second “other device”, as well as revoke the Seabird Avoidance Plan requirement presently specified in regulations. The final research results of the Washington SG study were presented to the Council at its June 2006 meeting, the Council took initial action at its December 2006 meeting, and final action in February of 2007. The objective of this regulatory amendment is to revise the current seabird avoidance requirements to improve their effectiveness at reducing the incidental take of short-tailed albatrosses and other seabird species, while relieving an unnecessary regulatory burden and its associated costs.
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