Assessment of walleye pollock in the Bogoslof Island Region
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Description:Alaska pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) are broadly distributed throughout the North Pacific with largest concentrations found in the Eastern Bering Sea. The Bogoslof region is noted for having distinct spawning aggregations that appear to be independent from pollock spawning in nearby regions. The Bogoslof management district (INPFC area 518) was established in 1992 in response to fisheries and surveys conducted during the late 1980s, which consistently found a discrete aggregation of spawning pollock in this area during the winter. The degree to which this aggregation represents a unique, self recruiting stock is unknown but the persistence of this aggregation suggests some spawning site fidelity that called for independent management. The Bogoslof region pollock has also been connected with the historical abundance of pollock found in the central Bering Sea (Donut Hole) due to concentrations of pollock that appeared to be moving toward this region prior to spawning (Smith 1981). For the purpose of management within the US zone, pollock from this region are managed separately.
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