Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/ Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis of Alternatives to Allocate the Pacific Cod Total Allowable Catch by Gear and/or Directly Change the Seasonality of the Cod Fisheries Amendment 24 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish Fishery of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:With the exception of sablefish, no BSAI groundfish TAC is allocated explicitly by gear. At its January 1992 meeting, the Council asked staff to prepare an amendment package that included alternatives to establish fixed allocations of the Pacific cod TAC by gear. The Council's request was, in part, the result of a proposal it received from the North Pacitic Fixed Gear Coalition that proposed that fixed gear operators be given preferential access to certain groundfish species in the BSAI.
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