Environmental assessment, issuance of a Protected Species Cooperative Conservation Grant to the Delaware Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (Award No. NAIONMF4720030) to conduct research on Atlantic sturgeon
Alternative Title:Issuance of a Protected Species Cooperative Conservation Grant to the Delaware Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (Award No. NAIONMF4720030) to conduct research on Atlantic sturgeon;Award No. NAIONMF4720030;Research on Atlantic sturgeon;
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Description:"The current EA analyzed the effects of the proposed Atlantic sturgeon research, which will be conducted in the Delaware River and estuary and the Connecticut River and adjacent to Long Island Sound. Specifically, the proposed work would involve identification and assessment of spawning and other habitats for both sturgeon species in the Delaware River; analysis of the distribution and habitat use of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon in Delaware and New Jersey; analysis of the abundance, distribution, and habitat use of both species in Connecticut waters, including near shore marine waters; analysis of interbasin exchange rates of adult Atlantic sturgeon within the New York Bight distinct population segment (DPS) as defined by NMFS (NMFS, 2007); development of spatial models for sturgeon in the mid-Atlantic region; development of an Atlantic Coast telemetry database (the Atlantic Cooperative Telemetry (ACT) Network); and participation in multiple types of stakeholder outreach efforts. Such data and information sharing is critical for recovery planning, and in particular, for identifying appropriate management units and critical habitats. . The proposed action analyzed in the EA would not have significant environmental effects on the target or non-target species; public health and safety would not affected; no unique geographic area would be affected; and the effects of this study would not be highly uncertain, nor would they involve unique or unknown risks. Issuance of this permit would not set a precedent for future actions with significant effects, nor would it represent a decision in principle about a future consideration. There would not be individually insignificant but cumulatively significant impacts associated with the proposed action, and there would not be adverse effects on historic resources. The permit would contain mitigating measures to avoid unnecessary stress to the subject animals"--Cover letter summary.
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