Mapping data acquisition and processing report, cruise EX1202 Leg 2 : Exploration: Gulf of Mexico, March 19 - April 7, 2012 Tampa, FL to Pascagoula, MS
Series: EX-12-02
Alternative Title:EX1202 Leg 2;Mapping data report, EX1202L2;
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Description:"EX1202 Leg 2 was a combination of Little Hercules ROV operations and mapping operations. The standard daily schedule of operations included mapping in the early morning, ROV dive operations from approximately 0730 to 1800 local, then mapping operations through the evening and into the following morning. ROV dive operations were based on EM 302 data obtained during Okeanos Explorer cruises EX1105, EX1106, EX1202 Leg 1, and the current cruise, EX 1202 Leg 2. Objectives of this cruise were to explore the Gulf of Mexico, specifically in the vicinity of the West Florida Shelf, DeSoto Canyon, Deepwater Horizon site, and Mississippi Canyon"--Report purpose. [doi:10.7289/V5/MDR-OER-EX1202L2 (http://doi:10.7289/V5/MDR-OER-EX1202L2)]
Content Notes:report contributors: Elizabeth "Meme" Lobecker, John Doroba, Chris Pinero, Tara Smithee, Tom Kok, Brian Kennedy, Karl McLetchie ; NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research.
"December 1, 2017."
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Includes bibliographical references (page 17).
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Name as Subject:United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Ocean Exploration and Research ; Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1202L2 : 2012) ; United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Ocean Exploration and Research ; Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1202L2 : 2012)
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