Endangered Species Act Section 7 Biological Opinion: Vessel Quotas and Operating Requirements for Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
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Endangered Species Act Section 7 Biological Opinion: Vessel Quotas and Operating Requirements for Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

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  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Description:
    This document is the product of a consultation pursuant to Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA and implementing regulations found at 50 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 402. This consultation considers whether the effects of these actions are likely to jeopardize the continued existence of two Distinct Population Segments (DPSs) of Steller sea lions or cause the destruction or adverse modification of their designated critical habitat; and the North Pacific population of humpback whales with special emphasis on the North Central stock of this population. For all other listed species in the action area, or waters adjacent to the action area, under the authority of NOAA Fisheries, the NPS has determined that this action has “no effect” on those species. NOAA Fisheries concurs with that determination; therefore further consultation is not required for those species.
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