Endangered Species Act Section 7 Biological Opinion: Issuance of Incidental Harassment Authorization under §101(a)(5)(a) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act to Shell for the Non-Lethal Taking of Whales and Seals in Conjunction with Planned Exploration Drilling Activities During 2015 Chukchi Sea, Alaska
Series: ESA Section 7 Consultation
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:For the actions described in this document, the action agency is NMFS’s Office of Protected Resources – Permits and Conservation Division (PR1), which proposes to issue an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) to take marine mammals only by harassment pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) incidental to conducting a marine exploration drilling program in the Chukchi Sea during the 2015 Arctic open-water season. The IHA would be effective from July 1 to October 31, 2015. The consulting agency for this proposal is NMFS’s Alaska Region. This document represents NMFS’ biological opinion (opinion) on the effects of this proposal on endangered and threatened species and critical habitat.
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