Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis) 5-Year Review : Summary and Evaluation
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Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis) 5-Year Review : Summary and Evaluation

  • 2012

Filetype[PDF-665.76 KB]


  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Description:
    Given current and projected threats and environmental conditions, the sei whale population in each ocean basin in which it occurs (North Atlantic, North Pacific and Southern Hemisphere) satisfies the risk analysis standard for threatened status (has no more than a 1 percent chance of extinction in 100 years) and the global population has at least 1,500 mature, reproductive individuals (consisting of at least 250 mature females and at least 250 mature males in each ocean basin). Mature is defined as the number of individuals known, estimated, or inferred to be capable of reproduction. Any factors or circumstances that are thought to substantially contribute to a real risk of extinction that cannot be incorporated into a Population Viability Analysis (PVA) will be carefully considered before downlisting takes place.
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