Southern Distinct Population Segment of the North American Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) 5-Year Review : Summary and Evaluation
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Southern Distinct Population Segment of the North American Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) 5-Year Review : Summary and Evaluation

  • 2015

Filetype[PDF-654.07 KB]


  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Description:
    The 5-year review was conducted by a contractor in collaboration with personnel at the NOAA NMFS West Coast Region (Long Beach office). The review process included collecting information through the following: 1) a literature search for information published since the last review (2006); 2) publication of a Federal Register (FR) notice soliciting new information about North American green sturgeon (77 FR 64595; October 24, 2012); and 3) email and phone contact with knowledgeable individuals at universities, tribal agencies, and state and federal government agencies (Appendix A). Eleven (11) responses to the FR notice were received from 11 different agencies or individuals and included information on population abundance, reviews of recent literature, lists of agency reports summarizing fieldwork, fisheries data, salvage, and academic scientific studies. A draft version of this report was reviewed by West Coast Region and NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center personnel in addition to those listed in Appendix B. This report describes the most relevant of the new information about North American green sturgeon and how it relates to the status of the Southern Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris). Some information on the Northern DPS is also included where relevant. Since the Northern DPS is not listed under the Endangered Species Act, a full review of its status is not included here, but a review has been conducted, added to our file and made publically available.
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