Economic Potential Of Aquaculture In Dredged Material Containment Areas
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Description:"The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintains more than 400 ports and more than 25,000 miles of coastal and inland waterways. Many harbors and navigation channels silt up and require maintenance dredging to be kept open. Estimates of the amount of sediment dredged by the Corps of Engineers range from 300-400 million cubic yards annually. Disposal in dredged material containment areas (DMCAs) suits the needs of many dredging projects. On the national level, an estimated 7,000 acres of new DMCAs are needed annually. In many parts of the country, finding and acquiring suitable sites is difficult. Research by the Corps of Engineers identified aquaculture as a potential beneficial use of containment areas. By designing and operating a DMCA for both material placement and aquaculture, benefits could be realized by the landowner, the aquaculture industry, local port and waterway authorities, and the Corps of Engineers. The focus of this report is an introduction to aquacultural economics as it pertains to dredged material containment areas"--National Sea Grant Library publication website.
Sea Grant Document Number:MASGC-T-92-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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