Final framework action to the fishery management plan for the reef fish resources of the Gulf of Mexico including environmental assessment, regulatory impact review, and regulatory flexibility act analysis : recreational accountability measures for red snapper
Alternative Title:Framework action to the fishery management plan for the reef fish resources of the Gulf of Mexico to modify recreational accountability measures (AMs) for red snapper [RIN 0648-BE44;Recreational accountability measures for red snapper;
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Corporate Authors:United States, National Marine Fisheries Service., Southeast Region, ; United States, National Marine Fisheries Service., Office of Protected Resources, ; United States, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration., Office of Program Planning and Integration, ; Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The first accountability measure (Action 1) is to establish an annual catch target (ACT) that is lower than the quota/annual catch limit (ACL) and set the recreational season length based on the ACT. Currently, the season length is set based on the quota/ACL. The second accountability measure (Action 2) is to establish an overage adjustment to mitigate the effects of the overage by reducing the ACL in the following year. This action follows National Standard 1 guidelines for stocks in rebuilding plans like red snapper.
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