Hurricane Relocation Planning For Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Fort Bend, And Chambers Counties
Series: TAMU-SG ; 81-604
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:"This study of five Texas coastal counties provides data for decision making leading to regional coordination of evacuation before hurricanes. The data can also be used in specific county or city evacuation plans. Three methodologies are developed that can be used in other coastal areas as well. SLOSH (Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes) is one such method. The following information is presented to help in deciding how soon evacuation must begin in certain areas to safely evacuate residents before routes are cut off by winds or storm surge that accompanies hurricanes: (a) possible surge penetration for hurricanes of varying intensities; (b) critical places in the study area to indicate road cutoff times by hurricane type for both surge penetration and wind intensity (given in hours plus or minus anticipated time of storm center landfall); (c) hurricane-prone areas that probably should evacuate for most storms (these areas are divided into evacuation zones by county); (d) areas subject to surge intrusion only in extremely severe hurricanes (these areas are divided into contingency zones by county); and (e) the number of hours required to evacuate the residents of evacuation zones who indicated that they would evacuate if advised to, and the number of hours required to evacuate all persons from evacuation and contingency zones if hurricane winds exceed 130 m.p.h. Data are also supplied for the Freeport and Texas City levee systems and for Galveston Island, and data on shelter needs are provided. Information and cautions in using this report are addressed to the media. In addition, hurricane categories and words associated with hurricanes are defined"--Texas A & M University sea grant publication website (http://texasseagrant.org/publications/category/1981-publications/P15)
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