Wind measurement from aircraft, 1993 : annotated and updated 2013
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Description:James Leise of NOAA's Aircraft Operations Center (AOC) devoted many years to fundamental analysis and development of wind measurement from aircraft. When he died in 1990 shortly before completing this thorough documentation of his work, Jeffrey Masters, who had worked with him completed the manuscript. Since some of the work was experimental and departed significantly from operational practice at AOC, they decided not to publish the manuscript. The strong theoretical footing and thorough nature of the work, however, nurtured the development of wind measurement from small aircraft, beginning in the late 1980s. Much of the document remains relevant still, and publications in significant and still-growing numbers have cited this manuscript despite its remaining unpublished (see Appendix I). The recent appearance of several publications citing the work motivated NOAA's Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) to publish the 1993 original verbatim, adding a chapter of annotations to update the original where appropriate. Topics covered include geodetic and aircraft coordinate systems, relation between airflow measured from an airplane and wind experienced on the ground, relevant thermodynamics, three-component airflow measurements at high speed by pressure sphere, calibration practices, data acquisition, data processing, and quality control. The primary lasting value of this work lies in the background understanding of procedures provided by its theoretical depth, which is impossible to reach in journal publications except by reference to work such as this. [doi:10.7289/V5/TM-OAR-ARL-266 (http://dx.doi.org/10.7289/V5/TM-OAR-ARL-266)]
Content Notes:J.A. Leise, J. Masters ; R. Dobosy, annotator.
"August 2013."
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