Evaluation of the effect of VAS data on some NMC analyses and forecasts
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Description:"Since early in 1981, VAS (VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (Visible/ Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer)) data have been under study at the National Meteorological Center (NMC), an arrangement begun by Drs. J. Brown, and W. Smith. This paper presents the results of an experiment conducted between October 1981 and January 1982, designed to examine the effect of VAS data on the Limited-area Fine-mesh model (LFM) analysis forecast system. The VAS data, taken from the Pacific geostationary satellite would be especially valuable for the LFM analysis because temperatures from the polar-orbiting satellite over the east Pacific are received too late for the 1200 GMT LFM analysis. Because the VISSR has only infrared channels, retrievals are possible only in regions of little or no cloudiness"--Introduction.
Content Notes:Edward A. O'Lenic.
"April 1982."
"This is an unreviewed manuscript, primarily intended for informal exchange of information among NMC staff members."
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Includes bibliographical references (page 26).
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