Cruise report, NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette, Cruise 04-12 (OES-21), 17-27 September 2004, Kona coast off the Island of Hawaii
Alternative Title:NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette, Cruise 04-12 (OES-21), 17-27 September 2004, Kona coast off the Island of Hawaii
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"Operations off the Kona coast of the Island of Hawaii during 18-20 September were conducted to calibrate the Simrad EK60 echosounder by the placement of metallic calibration spheres at various depths and locations underneath the ship's transducer by shipboard NOAA-certified divers. Night operations consisted of net performance trials using the dual warp Cobb (Stauffer) trawl and simultaneous monitoring of net performance using the Netmind system. Other night operations during 18-20 September included trial deployments of the Thomas drop net system, subsurface tows targeting tuna larvae using a 1.8- meter Issacs-Kidd (IK) trawl net (net entirely 0.5 mm mesh) towed from midship, and a grid transect of shallow conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts at predetermined locations off Kona. Operations conducted off the Kona coast during 22-26 September consisted of daytime surface net tows targeting billfish eggs and larvae 2-25 nmi off the Kona coast of the Island of Hawaii using the 1.8-m IK trawl. During the mornings, safeboat operations independent of the ship included tows of dual 0.5-m egg nets (with 0.5 mm mesh) and dipnetting of billfish larvae within surface slicks. Night operations off the Kona coast included subsurface IK tows targeting tuna larvae, additional trials of the Thomas drop net system, and further CTD casts at predetermined locations off Kona"--Type of operation.
Content Notes:U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.
"December 7, 2004."
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