Project instructions for EX1206 : Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Canyons exploration, October 30-November 20, 2012
Series: EX-12-06
Alternative Title:Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Canyons exploration, October 30-November 20, 2012;Cruise Plan, EX1206;
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Description:"EX1206 was added and is now the final cruise of the 2012 season for Okeanos Explorer (EX). It will be primarily focused on further supplementing Northeast canyon and continental shelf mapping efforts carried out on EX cruises EX1106, EX1201, EX1204, and during 2011-2012 by NOAA ships Nancy Foster, Henry B. Bigelow, and Ferdinand R. Hassler. Multibeam and singlebeam survey, sub-bottom profiles, and CTD/XBT casts will be performed during the mission"--Abstract (ISO 19115-2 metadata).
Content Notes:Adam Skarke.
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