Alternative Title:Ridges to Reefs/Protectores de Cuencas/NOAA RC
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Description:"Ridge to Reefs and Protectores de Cuencas have defined a set of methods to stabilize bare soils on high mountain and dry coastal sites in Puerto Rico. These methods are applicable to other sites across the Caribbean and likely into the tropical areas of the Pacific. Our efforts began with NFWF funded hydroseeding/hydromulching efforts that included a Soil Stabilization Roundtable in Puerto Rico which involved technical partners/experts from US Fish and Wildlife Service, NC State University and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and a PR Department of Agriculture extension agent from the high mountain areas of the Guanica watershed. Through the NFWF funded project we were able to test hydroseeding/mulching methods on slopes between 70 and 90% and refine suggested techniques. The Fiscal Y2012 (FY12) funds were used to expand and begin to implement these methods on a larger techniques. The Fiscal Y2012 (FY12) funds were used to expand and begin to implement these methods on a larger and broader scale and to diversify the types of sites which included two farm sites and one commercial site"--Background.
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