Regional and national monthly, seasonal, and annual temperature weighted by area, 1895-1983
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"This publication contains areally-averaged temperature data for the coterminous United States and nine climatologically-defined groups of states (i.e., regions), for the 89-year period, 1895 through 1983. Tabular listings give the average temperature by month, and groups of months (which includes the seasons and year) for the individual years in the period of record. The rank of the year-value of the calendar event is also given, which facilitates the identification of inter-annual, intra-annual, and intra-seasonal climate variability. Time series plots of annual mean temperatures for the nation and each region depict the inter-annual variation about the long-term (1895-1983) mean temperature"--Abstract.
Content Notes:Thomas R. Karl, Walter James Koss.
"June 1984."
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