Data compilation for the magnetospherically quiet periods, February 19-23 and November 29-December 3, 1970
Series: Report UAG ; 26
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Description:"Solar-terrestrial scientists often concentrate efforts on unusual phenomena or flare-associated events in efforts to unravel the physical mechanisms operating in the sun's atmosphere, the interplanetary medium or the earth's atmosphere. Another type of effort deals with average or normal conditions. It has not been very fashionable, however, to do case studies of very undisturbed or quiet condition in solar-terrestrial studies. Thus, retrospective intervals have usually been chosen to cover periods of unusual solar activity or periods of geomagnetic and other kinds of disturbance. These intervals are sometimes selected by common consent by individual scientists or groups and sometimes endorsed by international bodies such as the International Ursigram and World Days Service, IUWDS, or Inter-Union Commission or Solar-Terrestrial Physics, IUSSTP. The IUWDS did designate some "quiet" intervals in the early 1960's, but not much special research work resulted, in contrast to the efforts devoted to "disturbed" and "active" intervals. but the idea repeatedly crops up in scientific planning meetings, that scientific progress could, in principle, be made from detailed case studies of quiet periods. The idea surfaced again in 1972 from J. Roederer (Chairman of the IUSSTP International Magnetospheric Study). In conjunction with A. H. Shapley (Chairman of IUCSTP program for monitoring of the Sun-Earth Environment (MONSEE), it was decided to try again to stimulate case study work on quiet solar-terrestrial conditions by selection of one or more intervals but also for the selected intervals by one of the World Data Centers. This is the background for the present data report. The compilation is of the data normally available at the World Data Centers. It is comparable in scope and depth to Report UAG-21 on the very active period in July-August 1972. Depending on the interest the present report generates in the solar-terrestrial community, it may be appropriate later to arrange a detailed data compilation for these quiet periods with contributions from individual scientists as was done in UAG Reports 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 24" - -Purpose, page 1.
Content Notes:compiled Helen E. Coffey and J. Virginia Lincoln.
"May 1973."
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