Momma's larvae: Maternal oceanographic experience and larval size influence early survival of rockfishes
Source: Fisheries Oceanography (2023)
Journal Title:Fisheries Oceanography
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Description:Identifying factors that affect larval mortality is critical for understanding the drivers of fish population dynamics. Although larval fish mortality is high, small changes in mortality rates can lead to large changes in recruitment. Recent studies suggest maternal provisioning can dramatically affect the susceptibility of larvae to starvation and predation, the major sources of early‐life mortality. We measured otolith core width‐at‐extrusion and validated that this is a proxy for larval size‐at‐extrusion for eight species of rockfishes (genus Sebastes) to examine the influence of initial larval size on larval growth and survival and to understand how oceanographic conditions experienced by gestating females affect larval size (i.e., quality). Otolith core width‐at‐extrusion was significantly positively related to larval rockfish recent growth rate (5/7 species with sufficient sample size) and survival (all eight species). This suggests that individuals that are larger at extrusion generally grow faster and are more likely to survive early life stages. Otolith core width‐at‐extrusion was positively related to higher presence of Pacific Subarctic Upper Water and was negatively related to warmer, saline waters at the depths gestating mothers inhabited during the months prior to larval collection. In addition, otolith core width was larger further from fishing ports, possibly because these locations were historically less fished, contained more older, larger females, and/or had inherently better habitat quality (higher Pacific Subarctic Upper Water) than sites closer to shore. These results indicate that the environmental conditions female rockfish experience during gestation drive the size of the larvae they produce and impact larval growth and survival.
Source:Fisheries Oceanography (2023)
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