National Ocean Service (NOS)
This collection contains reports and materials published by the National Ocean Service and NOS researchers. Also included are publications funded by NOS offices and programs such as the Office of Coastal Zone Management. The collection includes documents, report, memos, images, maps and videos. A number of the items are joint projects with other NOAA line offices and programs, state coastal programs and educational institutions.
Select all docs (Max 200)
Narrow Results:
Year Published
- 2025 4
- 2024 174
- 2023 295
- 2022 338
- 2021 416
- 2020 371
- 2019 286
- 2018 312
- 2017 297
- 2016 311
- 2015 143
- 2014 79
- 2013 81
- 2012 61
- 2011 56
- 2010 61
- 2009 54
- 2008 48
- 2007 49
- 2006 53
- 2005 36
- 2004 34
- 2003 43
- 2002 49
- 2001 33
- 2000 36
- 1999 40
- 1998 33
- 1997 47
- 1996 76
- 1995 134
- 1994 112
- 1993 100
- 1992 124
- 1991 129
- 1990 130
- 1989 181
- 1988 141
- 1987 177
- 1986 171
- 1985 115
- 1984 156
- 1983 140
- 1982 198
- 1981 202
- 1980 180
- 1979 171
- 1978 135
- 1977 160
- 1976 138
- 1975 102
- 1974 47
- 1973 40
- 1972 41
- 1971 33
- 1970 14
NOAA Program & Office
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) 35
- AKR (Alaska Region) 5
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) 56
- AR (Alaska Region) 1
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory 1
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) 3
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) 4
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) 21
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) 12
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) 3
- CICSP (Cooperative Institute for Climate Science) 2
- CIFAR (Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research) 1
- CIGLR (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research) 19
- CILER (Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research) 3
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 24
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) 46
- CIMEAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems) 5
- CIMEC (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate) 2
- CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resources Studies) 2
- CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resource Studies) 1
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) 13
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) 2
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) 10
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) 5
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) 17
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) 10
- CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services) 140
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) 588
- CPC (Climate Prediction Center) 5
- CPO (Climate Program Office 3
- CPO (Climate Program Office) 23
- CREST (Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies and Tech Center at City College of CUNY) 5
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) 120
- Education and outreach 44
- EMC (Environmental Modelling Center) 9
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) 7
- GARF (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries) 2
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) 16
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) 31
- GML (Global Monitoring Laboratory) 4
- GOMO (Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing) 6
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) 2
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment 8
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) 136
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 30
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) 10
- JPSS (Joint Polar Satellite System Program Office) 2
- LMRCSC (Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore) 2
- MPA (Marine Protected Areas) 182
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) 1121
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) 44
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) 21
- NCRL (NOAA Central & Regional Libraries) 2
- NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) 2
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) 56
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) 31
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) 80
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) 19
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) 303
- NHC (National Hurricane Center) 3
- NMF (National Marine Fisheries Service) 6
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) 406
- NOS (Naitonal Ocean Service) 3
- NOS (National Ocean Service 2
- NOS (National Ocean Service) 7126
- NOS (National Ocean service) 2
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) 58
- NWS (National Weather Service) 68
- OA (Office of Aquaculture) 3
- OAP (Ocean Acidification Program) 10
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 415
- Ocean Exploration Program 43
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) 230
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) 196
- OET (Ocean Exploration Trust) 2
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) 30
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) 9
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) 374
- OPC (Ocean Prediction Center) 2
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) 25
- ORCA (Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment) 8
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) 224
- OSS (Office of Science Support) 3
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) 22
- OSTI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) 3
- OWP (Office of Water Prediction) 3
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) 54
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) 6
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) 44
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) 8
- Restoration 18
- Sea Grant 204
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) 100
- SER (Southeast Region) 20
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) 19
- STI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) 2
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) 53
- WCR (West Coast Region) 3
- WPO (Weather Program Office) 2
Document Type
- Agreement 1
- Atlas 9
- Bibliography 1
- Catalog 3
- Conference Proceeding 33
- Contract Report 2
- Cruise Report 26
- Data Report 12
- Dataset 4
- Environmental Assessment 41
- Environmental Impact Statement 11
- Instructional Material 24
- Journal Article 2342
- Manuals & Handbooks 212
- Map 1
- Miscellaneous 2756
- Non-series Report 148
- Planning Document 10
- Processed Report 2
- Professional Paper 6
- Program & Policy Document 115
- Reference Document 1
- Report to Congress 22
- Special Publication 20
- Stock Assessment 4
- Summary Report 3
- Technical Memorandum 888
- Technical Report 465
- Video 5
- White Paper 3
- Working Paper 17
- Analysis 63
- Aquatic Science 258
- Beach erosion 50
- Benthos 112
- BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 44
- City planning 236
- Climatic changes 66
- Coastal ecology 133
- Coastal zone management 919
- Coast changes 50
- Coasts 126
- Computer programs 46
- Conservation 131
- Conservation of natural resources 47
- Coral reef conservation 148
- Coral reef ecology 136
- Coral reef fishes 49
- Coral reef management 97
- Coral reefs and islands 192
- Corals 102
- Data processing 67
- Ecology 202
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 127
- Economic aspects 113
- Effect of human beings on 50
- Effect of water pollution on 79
- Environmental aspects 456
- Environmental conditions 237
- Environmental impact analysis 124
- Environmental impact statements 66
- Environmental monitoring 64
- Environmental policy 61
- Environmental protection 54
- Estuaries 122
- Estuarine area conservation 54
- Estuarine ecology 90
- Estuarine pollution 44
- Evaluation 167
- Fisheries 85
- Fishery management 86
- Fishes 113
- Forecasting 111
- Geodesy 137
- Geophysics 45
- Global and Planetary Change 51
- Global Positioning System 62
- Government policy 75
- Habitat 179
- Habitat (Ecology) 74
- Harbors 79
- History 63
- Hydrodynamics 50
- Land use 277
- Law and legislation 136
- Management 379
- Marine debris 45
- Marine ecology 77
- Marine ecosystem management 87
- Marine parks and reserves 229
- Marine pollution 154
- Marine resources 105
- Marine resources conservation 106
- Marine sediments 93
- Mathematical models 170
- Measurement 187
- Monitoring 233
- Natural resources 51
- Nonpoint source pollution 59
- Observations 103
- Ocean currents 51
- Ocean Engineering 55
- Oceanography 329
- Oil spills 152
- Parks 74
- Planning 445
- Pollution 169
- Recreational use 48
- Recreation areas 50
- Regional planning 182
- Remote sensing 82
- Research 291
- Restoration ecology 59
- Salinity 50
- Salt marshes 58
- Sea level 82
- Shorelines 113
- Shore protection 134
- Social aspects 45
- Tidal currents 48
- Tides 84
- Toxicology 49
- Water 139
- Waterfronts 141
- Water levels 94
- Water quality 116
- Water quality management 144
- Water Science and Technology 73
- Watershed management 58
- Wetland conservation 78
- Wetlands 133
Name as Subject
- Acadiana (Ship). Cruise 1
- Alaska Coastal Management Program. 1
- Alva Bradley (Ship) 1
- Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (Agency : U.S.) 2
- Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Program (Mass.) 2
- Athos I (Tanker) 2
- Atlantic Marine Center (U.S.) 1
- Atlantic Wood Industries. 1
- Atlantis (Ship). (1934) 1
- Bad River Wetlands Protection Program. 1
- Base Mapping and Land Use Information System Project. 1
- Bell M. Shimada (Ship) 1
- Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad Company. 1
- Biogeography Branch 1
- Bluff Recession and Setback Act. 1
- Boulder Laboratories (U.S.) 1
- Breder, Charles M. (Charles Marcus) 1897-1983 6
- Brooks McCall (Ship). Cruise (2010 : Mexico, Gulf of) 3
- Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment 1
- Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (U.S.) 1
- Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.) 1
- Chapman (Ship). Cruise 1
- Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department 1
- Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve System 1
- Chesapeake Bay Program (U.S.) 1
- Chief Wawatam (Ferry) 1
- Coastal Energy Impact Program (U.S.) 6
- Coastal Georgia Resource Conservation & Development Project. 1
- Coastal Services Center (U.S.) 2
- Coastal Zone Management Program (Md.) 2
- Coastal Zone Management Program (P.R.) 1
- Coastal Zone Management Program (U.S.) 2
- Coast Guard Museum 1
- Connecticut Coastal Energy Impact Program. 1
- Coral Reef Conservation Program (U.S.) 2
- Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.) 1
- Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.). (2004) 1
- Cumberland Coastal Access Study. 1
- Dan Moore (Ship). Cruise (1974) 1
- Dan More (Ship). Cruise (1979) 1
- Dauphin Island Sea Lab (Ala.) 1
- Delaware Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program. 1
- Delaware Riverkeeper Network. 1
- Delta (Submarine). Cruise 2004_05 1
- Dow/Shell Group. 1
- Dragon Run Management Program (Va.) 2
- Dragon Run Steering Committee (Va.) 2
- Edisto River Basin Project. 1
- Empire Knight (Ship). 1
- Erie Sand Steamship Company (Erie, Pa.) 1
- Estuarine Living Marine Resources Program (U.S.) 1
- European Space Agency 1
- Exxon Valdez (Ship) 1
- Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.) 2
- Fairmount Water Works (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Ferrel (Ship) 1
- Fina LaTerre Mitigation Bank Management Plan. 1
- Gordon Gunter (Ship). Cruise (2010 : Mexico, Gulf of) 2
- Gulf of Mexico Program (U.S.) 2
- Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program. 2
- Integrated Ocean Observing System (U.S.) 20
- Maine Coastal Program. 3
- Marine Debris Program (U.S.) 5
- Marine EcoSystems Analysis Program. 6
- Maryland Natural Heritage Program. 15
- Massachusetts. Division of Marine Fisheries. 2
- Monitor (Ironclad) 2
- Mote Marine Laboratory (Sarasota, Fla.) 2
- National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (U.S.) 4
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System. 7
- National Geodetic Survey (U.S.) 4
- National Marine Protected Areas Center (U.S.) 5
- National Marine Sanctuary Program (U.S.) 2
- National Sea Grant Program (U.S.) 2
- National Status and Trends Program (U.S.) 12
- NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (U.S.) 2
- North Carolina Coastal Management Program. 2
- Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program. 24
- R/V Point Sur 3
- Robert J. Walker (Ship) 2
- Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve (Agency : U.S.) 3
- Southern Watershed Special Area Management Program (Va.) 2
- SPOT (Artificial satellite) 2
- Thomas Jefferson (Ship). Cruise 2
- United States. 12
- United States. Department of the Interior 2
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency 2
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency. 3
- United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2
- United States. National Marine Fisheries Service 3
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 8
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 5
- United States. National Ocean Service 9
- United States. National Ocean Service. Office of National Marine Sanctuaries 5
- United States. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. Sanctuary Programs Division 6
- United States. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. Sanctuary Programs Division. 4
- Virginia Marine Resources Commission Permit Compliance and Inspection Program. 3
- Walton Smith (Ship) 6
- Washington (State). 2
- Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve 2
Place as Subject
- Alabama 31
- Alaska 153
- Albemarle Sound 12
- American Samoa 38
- Atlantic Coast 35
- Atlantic Coast (South Atlantic States) 8
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) 54
- Atlantic Ocean 28
- Biscayne Bay 12
- Biscayne Bay (Fla.) 9
- California 160
- Caribbean Area 21
- Caribbean Sea 19
- Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (Calif.) 10
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) 104
- Chesapeake Bay Region (Md. and Va.) 18
- Chesapeake Bay Watershed 12
- Columbia River 10
- Connecticut 29
- Delaware 32
- Delaware Bay (Del. and N.J.) 10
- Delaware River (N.Y.-Del. and N.J.) 16
- Dry Tortugas (Fla.) 13
- Erie 13
- Erie, Lake 32
- Erie County 12
- Florida 323
- Florida Keys 13
- Florida Keys (Fla.) 11
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary 10
- Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (Tex.) 16
- Galveston Bay 11
- Georgia 37
- Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (Ga.) 13
- Great Lakes (North America) 66
- Guam 52
- Gulf Coast 18
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) 28
- Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary 9
- Hawaii 114
- Hudson River Estuary (N.Y. and N.J.) 10
- Illinois 11
- Japan 11
- Long Island 11
- Long Island Sound (N.Y. and Conn.) 23
- Louisiana 76
- Maine 87
- Maine, Gulf of 19
- Maryland 131
- Massachusetts 40
- Mexico, Gulf of 199
- Michigan 138
- Michigan, Lake 30
- Mid-Atlantic Bight 9
- Mississippi 28
- Mississippi River 10
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 10
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (Calif.) 19
- New England 12
- New Hampshire 106
- New Jersey 114
- New York 17
- New York (State) 95
- New York Bight (N.J. and N.Y.) 15
- New York Harbor (N.Y. and N.J.) 10
- North America 13
- North Atlantic Ocean 44
- North Carolina 195
- Northern Mariana Islands 34
- North Pacific Ocean 27
- Ohio 29
- Oregon 36
- Pacific Coast 18
- Pacific Coast (Calif.) 10
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) 32
- Pacific Ocean 54
- Palau 19
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Hawaii) 10
- Pennsylvania 85
- Philadelphia 9
- Pribilof Islands (Alaska) 11
- Prince William Sound 12
- Puerto Rico 63
- Puget Sound 44
- Puget Sound (Wash.) 19
- Rhode Island 43
- San Francisco Bay 13
- San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 10
- South Carolina 71
- Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Mass.) 11
- Superior, Lake 15
- Tampa Bay 14
- Tampa Bay (Fla.) 15
- Texas 78
- United States 690
- United States Virgin Islands 63
- Virginia 199
- Washington (State) 209
- Wisconsin 75
- York County 9
Select all docs (Max 200)
7081 -
7100 of 7187 Results
Refine Results:
- 2025 (4)
- 2024 (174)
- 2023 (295)
- 2022 (338)
- 2021 (416)
- 2020 (371)
- 2019 (286)
- 2018 (312)
- 2017 (297)
- 2016 (311)
- 2015 (143)
- 2014 (79)
- 2013 (81)
- 2012 (61)
- 2011 (56)
- 2010 (61)
- 2009 (54)
- 2008 (48)
- 2007 (49)
- 2006 (53)
- 2005 (36)
- 2004 (34)
- 2003 (43)
- 2002 (49)
- 2001 (33)
- 2000 (36)
- 1999 (40)
- 1998 (33)
- 1997 (47)
- 1996 (76)
- 1995 (134)
- 1994 (112)
- 1993 (100)
- 1992 (124)
- 1991 (129)
- 1990 (130)
- 1989 (181)
- 1988 (141)
- 1987 (177)
- 1986 (171)
- 1985 (115)
- 1984 (156)
- 1983 (140)
- 1982 (198)
- 1981 (202)
- 1980 (180)
- 1979 (171)
- 1978 (135)
- 1977 (160)
- 1976 (138)
- 1975 (102)
- 1974 (47)
- 1973 (40)
- 1972 (41)
- 1971 (33)
- 1970 (14)
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) (35)
- AKR (Alaska Region) (5)
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) (56)
- AR (Alaska Region) (1)
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory (1)
- ARL (Air Resources Laboratory) (3)
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) (4)
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) (21)
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) (12)
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) (3)
- CICSP (Cooperative Institute for Climate Science) (2)
- CIFAR (Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research) (1)
- CIGLR (Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research) (19)
- CILER (Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research) (3)
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (24)
- CIMAS (1)
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) (46)
- CIMEAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems) (5)
- CIMEC (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate) (2)
- CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resources Studies) (2)
- CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resource Studies) (1)
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) (13)
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) (2)
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) (10)
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) (5)
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) (17)
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) (10)
- CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services) (140)
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) (588)
- CPC (Climate Prediction Center) (5)
- CPO (Climate Program Office (3)
- CPO (Climate Program Office) (23)
- CREST (Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies and Tech Center at City College of CUNY) (5)
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) (120)
- Education and outreach (44)
- EMC (Environmental Modelling Center) (9)
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) (7)
- GARF (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries) (2)
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) (16)
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) (31)
- GML (Global Monitoring Laboratory) (4)
- GOMO (Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing) (6)
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) (2)
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (8)
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) (136)
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (30)
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) (10)
- JPSS (Joint Polar Satellite System Program Office) (2)
- LMRCSC (Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore) (2)
- MPA (Marine Protected Areas) (182)
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) (1121)
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) (44)
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) (21)
- NCRL (NOAA Central & Regional Libraries) (2)
- NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) (2)
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) (56)
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) (31)
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) (80)
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) (19)
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) (303)
- NHC (National Hurricane Center) (3)
- NMF (National Marine Fisheries Service) (6)
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) (406)
- NOS (Naitonal Ocean Service) (3)
- NOS (National Ocean Service (2)
- NOS (National Ocean Service) (7126)
- NOS (National Ocean service) (2)
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) (58)
- NWS (National Weather Service) (68)
- OA (Office of Aquaculture) (3)
- OAP (Ocean Acidification Program) (10)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (415)
- Ocean Exploration Program (43)
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) (230)
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) (196)
- OET (Ocean Exploration Trust) (2)
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) (30)
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) (9)
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) (374)
- OPC (Ocean Prediction Center) (2)
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) (25)
- ORCA (Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment) (8)
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) (224)
- OSS (Office of Science Support) (3)
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) (22)
- OSTI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) (3)
- OWP (Office of Water Prediction) (3)
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) (54)
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) (6)
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) (44)
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) (8)
- Restoration (18)
- Sea Grant (204)
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) (100)
- SER (Southeast Region) (20)
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) (19)
- STI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) (2)
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) (53)
- WCR (West Coast Region) (3)
- WPO (Weather Program Office) (2)
- Agreement (1)
- Atlas (9)
- Bibliography (1)
- Catalog (3)
- Conference Proceeding (33)
- Contract Report (2)
- Cruise Report (26)
- Data Report (12)
- Dataset (4)
- Environmental Assessment (41)
- Environmental Impact Statement (11)
- Instructional Material (24)
- Journal Article (2342)
- Manuals & Handbooks (212)
- Map (1)
- Miscellaneous (2756)
- Non-series Report (148)
- Planning Document (10)
- Processed Report (2)
- Professional Paper (6)
- Program & Policy Document (115)
- Reference Document (1)
- Report to Congress (22)
- Special Publication (20)
- Stock Assessment (4)
- Summary Report (3)
- Technical Memorandum (888)
- Technical Report (465)
- Video (5)
- White Paper (3)
- Working Paper (17)
- Analysis (63)
- Aquatic Science (258)
- Beach erosion (50)
- Benthos (112)
- BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 (44)
- City planning (236)
- Climatic changes (66)
- Coastal ecology (133)
- Coastal zone management (919)
- Coast changes (50)
- Coasts (126)
- Computer programs (46)
- Conservation (131)
- Conservation of natural resources (47)
- Coral reef conservation (148)
- Coral reef ecology (136)
- Coral reef fishes (49)
- Coral reef management (97)
- Coral reefs and islands (192)
- Corals (102)
- Data processing (67)
- Ecology (202)
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (127)
- Economic aspects (113)
- Effect of human beings on (50)
- Effect of water pollution on (79)
- Environmental aspects (456)
- Environmental conditions (237)
- Environmental impact analysis (124)
- Environmental impact statements (66)
- Environmental monitoring (64)
- Environmental policy (61)
- Environmental protection (54)
- Estuaries (122)
- Estuarine area conservation (54)
- Estuarine ecology (90)
- Estuarine pollution (44)
- Evaluation (167)
- Fisheries (85)
- Fishery management (86)
- Fishes (113)
- Forecasting (111)
- Geodesy (137)
- Geophysics (45)
- Global and Planetary Change (51)
- Global Positioning System (62)
- Government policy (75)
- Habitat (179)
- Habitat (Ecology) (74)
- Harbors (79)
- History (63)
- Hydrodynamics (50)
- Land use (277)
- Law and legislation (136)
- Management (379)
- Marine debris (45)
- Marine ecology (77)
- Marine ecosystem management (87)
- Marine parks and reserves (229)
- Marine pollution (154)
- Marine resources (105)
- Marine resources conservation (106)
- Marine sediments (93)
- Mathematical models (170)
- Measurement (187)
- Monitoring (233)
- Natural resources (51)
- Nonpoint source pollution (59)
- Observations (103)
- Ocean currents (51)
- Ocean Engineering (55)
- Oceanography (329)
- Oil spills (152)
- Parks (74)
- Planning (445)
- Pollution (169)
- Recreational use (48)
- Recreation areas (50)
- Regional planning (182)
- Remote sensing (82)
- Research (291)
- Restoration ecology (59)
- Salinity (50)
- Salt marshes (58)
- Sea level (82)
- Shorelines (113)
- Shore protection (134)
- Social aspects (45)
- Tidal currents (48)
- Tides (84)
- Toxicology (49)
- Water (139)
- Waterfronts (141)
- Water levels (94)
- Water quality (116)
- Water quality management (144)
- Water Science and Technology (73)
- Watershed management (58)
- Wetland conservation (78)
- Wetlands (133)
- Acadiana (Ship). Cruise (1)
- Alaska Coastal Management Program. (1)
- Alva Bradley (Ship) (1)
- Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (Agency : U.S.) (2)
- Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Program (Mass.) (2)
- Athos I (Tanker) (2)
- Atlantic Marine Center (U.S.) (1)
- Atlantic Wood Industries. (1)
- Atlantis (Ship). (1934) (1)
- Bad River Wetlands Protection Program. (1)
- Base Mapping and Land Use Information System Project. (1)
- Bell M. Shimada (Ship) (1)
- Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad Company. (1)
- Biogeography Branch (1)
- Bluff Recession and Setback Act. (1)
- Boulder Laboratories (U.S.) (1)
- Breder, Charles M. (Charles Marcus) 1897-1983 (6)
- Brooks McCall (Ship). Cruise (2010 : Mexico, Gulf of) (3)
- Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (1)
- Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (U.S.) (1)
- Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.) (1)
- Chapman (Ship). Cruise (1)
- Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department (1)
- Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve System (1)
- Chesapeake Bay Program (U.S.) (1)
- Chief Wawatam (Ferry) (1)
- Coastal Energy Impact Program (U.S.) (6)
- Coastal Georgia Resource Conservation & Development Project. (1)
- Coastal Services Center (U.S.) (2)
- Coastal Zone Management Program (Md.) (2)
- Coastal Zone Management Program (P.R.) (1)
- Coastal Zone Management Program (U.S.) (2)
- Coast Guard Museum (1)
- Connecticut Coastal Energy Impact Program. (1)
- Coral Reef Conservation Program (U.S.) (2)
- Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.) (1)
- Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.). (2004) (1)
- Cumberland Coastal Access Study. (1)
- Dan Moore (Ship). Cruise (1974) (1)
- Dan More (Ship). Cruise (1979) (1)
- Dauphin Island Sea Lab (Ala.) (1)
- Delaware Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program. (1)
- Delaware Riverkeeper Network. (1)
- Delta (Submarine). Cruise 2004_05 (1)
- Dow/Shell Group. (1)
- Dragon Run Management Program (Va.) (2)
- Dragon Run Steering Committee (Va.) (2)
- Edisto River Basin Project. (1)
- Empire Knight (Ship). (1)
- Erie Sand Steamship Company (Erie, Pa.) (1)
- Estuarine Living Marine Resources Program (U.S.) (1)
- European Space Agency (1)
- Exxon Valdez (Ship) (1)
- Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.) (2)
- Fairmount Water Works (Philadelphia, Pa.) (1)
- Ferrel (Ship) (1)
- Fina LaTerre Mitigation Bank Management Plan. (1)
- Gordon Gunter (Ship). Cruise (2010 : Mexico, Gulf of) (2)
- Gulf of Mexico Program (U.S.) (2)
- Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program. (2)
- Integrated Ocean Observing System (U.S.) (20)
- Maine Coastal Program. (3)
- Marine Debris Program (U.S.) (5)
- Marine EcoSystems Analysis Program. (6)
- Maryland Natural Heritage Program. (15)
- Massachusetts. Division of Marine Fisheries. (2)
- Monitor (Ironclad) (2)
- Mote Marine Laboratory (Sarasota, Fla.) (2)
- National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (U.S.) (4)
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System. (7)
- National Geodetic Survey (U.S.) (4)
- National Marine Protected Areas Center (U.S.) (5)
- National Marine Sanctuary Program (U.S.) (2)
- National Sea Grant Program (U.S.) (2)
- National Status and Trends Program (U.S.) (12)
- NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (U.S.) (2)
- North Carolina Coastal Management Program. (2)
- Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program. (24)
- R/V Point Sur (3)
- Robert J. Walker (Ship) (2)
- Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve (Agency : U.S.) (3)
- Southern Watershed Special Area Management Program (Va.) (2)
- SPOT (Artificial satellite) (2)
- Thomas Jefferson (Ship). Cruise (2)
- United States. (12)
- United States. Department of the Interior (2)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency (2)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency. (3)
- United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2)
- United States. National Marine Fisheries Service (3)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (8)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (5)
- United States. National Ocean Service (9)
- United States. National Ocean Service. Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (5)
- United States. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. Sanctuary Programs Division (6)
- United States. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. Sanctuary Programs Division. (4)
- Virginia Marine Resources Commission Permit Compliance and Inspection Program. (3)
- Walton Smith (Ship) (6)
- Washington (State). (2)
- Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve (2)
- Alabama (31)
- Alaska (153)
- Albemarle Sound (12)
- American Samoa (38)
- Atlantic Coast (35)
- Atlantic Coast (South Atlantic States) (8)
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) (54)
- Atlantic Ocean (28)
- Biscayne Bay (12)
- Biscayne Bay (Fla.) (9)
- California (160)
- Caribbean Area (21)
- Caribbean Sea (19)
- Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (Calif.) (10)
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) (104)
- Chesapeake Bay Region (Md. and Va.) (18)
- Chesapeake Bay Watershed (12)
- Columbia River (10)
- Connecticut (29)
- Delaware (32)
- Delaware Bay (Del. and N.J.) (10)
- Delaware River (N.Y.-Del. and N.J.) (16)
- Dry Tortugas (Fla.) (13)
- Erie (13)
- Erie, Lake (32)
- Erie County (12)
- Florida (323)
- Florida Keys (13)
- Florida Keys (Fla.) (11)
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (10)
- Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (Tex.) (16)
- Galveston Bay (11)
- Georgia (37)
- Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (Ga.) (13)
- Great Lakes (North America) (66)
- Guam (52)
- Gulf Coast (18)
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) (28)
- Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (9)
- Hawaii (114)
- Hudson River Estuary (N.Y. and N.J.) (10)
- Illinois (11)
- Japan (11)
- Long Island (11)
- Long Island Sound (N.Y. and Conn.) (23)
- Louisiana (76)
- Maine (87)
- Maine, Gulf of (19)
- Maryland (131)
- Massachusetts (40)
- Mexico, Gulf of (199)
- Michigan (138)
- Michigan, Lake (30)
- Mid-Atlantic Bight (9)
- Mississippi (28)
- Mississippi River (10)
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (10)
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (Calif.) (19)
- New England (12)
- New Hampshire (106)
- New Jersey (114)
- New York (17)
- New York (State) (95)
- New York Bight (N.J. and N.Y.) (15)
- New York Harbor (N.Y. and N.J.) (10)
- North America (13)
- North Atlantic Ocean (44)
- North Carolina (195)
- Northern Mariana Islands (34)
- North Pacific Ocean (27)
- Ohio (29)
- Oregon (36)
- Pacific Coast (18)
- Pacific Coast (Calif.) (10)
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) (32)
- Pacific Ocean (54)
- Palau (19)
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Hawaii) (10)
- Pennsylvania (85)
- Philadelphia (9)
- Pribilof Islands (Alaska) (11)
- Prince William Sound (12)
- Puerto Rico (63)
- Puget Sound (44)
- Puget Sound (Wash.) (19)
- Rhode Island (43)
- San Francisco Bay (13)
- San Francisco Bay (Calif.) (10)
- South Carolina (71)
- Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Mass.) (11)
- Superior, Lake (15)
- Tampa Bay (14)
- Tampa Bay (Fla.) (15)
- Texas (78)
- United States (690)
- United States Virgin Islands (63)
- Virginia (199)
- Washington (State) (209)
- Wisconsin (75)
- York County (9)
- Personal Author:Merle, Susan G. ;Embley, Robert W....2021 | Frontiers in Earth Science 9:531714.Description:Nearly 3,500 methane bubble streams, clustered into more than 1,300 methane emission sites, have been identified along the US Cascadia margin, derived...
- 2020 | European Journal of Phycology, 55(2) 1-15Description:Fifty-six specimens of the red algal genus Martensia from the Main and Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, representing both shallow (36 specimens from 0...
- 2019 | Estuaries and CoastsDescription:Topobathymetric lidar is becoming an increasingly valuable tool for benthic habitat mapping, enabling safe, efficient data acquisition over coral reef...