Ocean Exploration Program
Select all docs (Max 200)
Narrow Results:
Year Published
NOAA Program & Office
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) 4
- AKR (Alaska Region) 1
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) 2
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) 3
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 1
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) 1
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) 3
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) 1
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) 1
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) 10
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) 2
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) 108
- CPO (Climate Program Office) 2
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) 7
- Education and outreach 2
- FFO (Federally Funded Opportunity) 2
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) 1
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) 2
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 3
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) 3
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) 17
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) 10
- NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) 1
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) 9
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) 11
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) 3
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) 1
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) 34
- NMNH (National Museum of Natural History & National Systematics Laboratory) 1
- NOS (National Ocean Service) 43
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) 4
- NWS (National Weather Service) 1
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research 3
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 1054
- Ocean Exploration Program 1074
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) 3
- OER (Ocean Exploration and Research) 6
- OET (Ocean Exploration Trust) 3
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) 7
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) 34
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) 12
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) 1
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) 4
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) 10
- Sea Grant 7
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) 1
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) 1
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) 5
- WCR (West Coast Region) 1
Document Type
- Abyssal zone 2
- Accidents 3
- Airplanes, Military 2
- Aquatic Science 6
- Artificial intelligence 2
- Autonomous underwater vehicles 4
- Bathymetric maps 5
- Benthic animals 8
- Benthic ecology 6
- Benthos 9
- Biochemistry 2
- Biodiversity conservation 2
- Bioluminescence 2
- Black corals 2
- BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 3
- Calibration 4
- Chemical oceanography 3
- Climate 2
- Climatic changes 2
- Conservation 2
- Coral communities 66
- Coral reef animals 4
- Coral reef conservation 2
- Coral reef ecology 10
- Coral reef fishes 7
- Coral reef management 2
- Coral reefs and islands 22
- Corals 16
- Data curation 8
- Data processing 5
- Deep-sea animals 6
- Deep-sea ecology 33
- Deep-sea fishes 5
- Deep-sea sounding 2
- Deep sea corals 18
- Digital video 3
- Echo sounding in fishing 3
- Ecological mapping 3
- Ecology 7
- Effect of fishing on 2
- Effect of human beings on 2
- Effect of oil spills on 4
- Equipment and supplies 39
- Evaluation 3
- Fish surveys 3
- Gas seepage 11
- Geographical distribution 3
- Global and Planetary Change 5
- Habitat 16
- Habitat (Ecology) 3
- Handbooks, manuals, etc. 4
- History 16
- Hydrothermal vent animals 3
- Hydrothermal vents 8
- Instruments 3
- International cooperation 6
- Invertebrates 64
- Lophelia 5
- Marine animals 5
- Marine habitats 64
- Marine mammals 4
- Marine meteorology 6
- Marine sediments 5
- Mathematical models 3
- Microbiology 3
- Mid-ocean ridges 10
- Monitoring 73
- Morphology 3
- Multibeam mapping 566
- Multibeam Mapping 154
- Nancy Foster (Ship) 3
- National Undersea Research Program (U.S.) 3
- Observations 4
- Ocean bottom 128
- Ocean Engineering 5
- Oceanographic instruments 33
- Oceanography 90
- Oil seepage 5
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) 528
- Planning 4
- Primnoidae 3
- Remote sensing 143
- Remote submersibles 4
- Research 194
- Scientific expeditions 131
- Scientific Explorations 3
- Seamounts 66
- Shipwrecks 19
- Sounding and soundings 15
- Sponges 3
- Submarine geology 117
- Submarine topography 43
- Submarine trenches 11
- Submarine volcanoes 9
- Testing 22
- Underwater archaeology 34
- Underwater exploration 680
- Underwater Exploration 242
- Water column 4
- Water Science and Technology 5
Name as Subject
- Aegaeo (Ship). Cruise (2006 : Aegean Sea) 3
- Caribbean Explorer I (Ship). Cruise (2006 : Caribbean Sea) 2
- Galapagos Islands 1
- Gulf of Mexico 1
- Huron Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2008 : Lake Huron) 1
- Laurentian (Ship). Cruise (2008 : Lake Huron) 1
- Little Hercules (ROV) 1
- Multibeam Mapping 1
- O-9 (Submarine) 1
- Ocean bottom 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) 6
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) (2016). 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2008) 4
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2009) 9
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2010 : Pacific Ocean) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2012 : Mexico, Gulf of) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0801 : 2009) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0903 : 2009) 2
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0904 : 2009) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0905 : 2009) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0909 : 2010) 2
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0909L3 : 2009) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0909L4 : 2009) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1001 : 2010) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1004L1 : 2010) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1004L2 : 2010) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1004L3 : 2010) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1004L4 : 2010) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1106 : 2011) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1202L2 : 2012) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1203 : 2012) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1205L1 : 2012) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1301 : 2013) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1302 : 2013) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1304L1 : 2013) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1305 : 2013) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1402 : 2014) 2
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1402L1 : 2014) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1402L3 : 2014) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1404 : 2014) 2
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1404L1 : 2014) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1404L3 : 2014) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1502 : 2015 : Puerto Rico) 2
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1502L1 : 2017 : Puerto Rico) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1503 : 2015 : Caribbean Area) 4
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1503 : 2015 : Pacific Ocean) 4
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1602 : 2016 ) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1602 : 2016) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1603 : 2016) 2
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1604 : 2016) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1605L1 : 2016) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1606 : 2016) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1607 : 2016) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1608 : 2016) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1609 : 2016) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1702 : 2017 : American Samoa) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1703 : 2017 : American Samoa) 3
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1705 : 2017 : American Samoa) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1707 : 2017 : Hawaii) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1708 : 2017 : Hawaii) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1709 : 2017 : Pacific Ocean) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1710 : 2017 : Mexico, Gulf of.) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1711 : 2017 : Mexico, Gulf of.) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1802 : 2018) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1899 : 2018) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1003 : 2010) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1101 : 2011) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1103 : 2011) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1104 : 2011) 1
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1105 : 2011) 1
- Pacific Coast 1
- Remote sensing 1
- Ronald H. Brown (Ship). Cruise (2003 : Antilles, Lesser) 1
- Sable (Ship) 2
- Seward Johnson (Ship). Cruise (2002 : Gulf of Mexico) 1
- Titanic (Steamship) 2
- Trouvadore (Ship) 2
- Undwerwater exploration 1
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Ocean Exploration and Research 142
- United States. Office of Ocean Exploration 12
- Wolverine (Ship) 2
Place as Subject
- Aegean Sea 4
- Alabama 1
- Alaska 5
- Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) 6
- Alboran Sea 1
- Aleutian Islands (Alaska) 3
- American Samoa 25
- Antilles, Lesser 2
- Arctic Coast (Alaska) 1
- Arctic Ocean 1
- Atlantic Coast 13
- Atlantic Coast (America) 1
- Atlantic Coast (Mid Atlantic States) 1
- Atlantic Coast (Middle Atlantic States) 20
- Atlantic Coast (New England) 20
- Atlantic coast (North America) 18
- Atlantic Coast (R.I.) 3
- Atlantic Coast (Rhode Island) 2
- Atlantic Coast (South Atlantic States) 40
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) 48
- Atlantic Ocean 14
- Baffin Bay (North Atlantic Ocean) 2
- Bitung 13
- Bitung (Minahasa) 2
- Blake Plateau 31
- Block Canyon 1
- Block Canyon Deep 1
- Bonaire 4
- California 29
- Canada 2
- Caribbean Area 6
- Caribbean Sea 27
- Carribbean Sea 1
- Central Pacific Ocean 1
- Channel Islands 7
- Channel Islands (Calif.) 1
- Chukchi Sea 3
- Continental margins 18
- Continental shelf 12
- Davidson Seamount 1
- East of Mytilus Seamount 1
- Ecuador 1
- Florida 6
- Florida, Straits of 3
- Florida Keys (Fla.) 1
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Fla.) 1
- Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (Tex.) 1
- Galapagos Islands 18
- Galapagos Rift 3
- Georgia 1
- Glacier Bay (Alaska) 1
- Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve (Alaska) 1
- Great Lakes (North America) 3
- Greece 3
- Greenland 2
- Grenada 1
- Guam 1
- Gulf of Mexico 16
- Hawaii 77
- Honolulu 7
- Huron, Lake (Mich. and Ont.) 5
- Indonesia 30
- Line Islands 5
- Maine, Gulf of 2
- Mariana Islands 3
- Marshall Islands 2
- Mediterranean Sea 2
- Mexico, Gulf of 59
- Michigan 3
- Michigan, Lake 2
- Mid-Atlantic Bight 19
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2
- Mississippi 3
- Netherlands Antilles 4
- North America 2
- North Atlantic Ocean 137
- North Carolina 4
- Northern Mariana Islands 2
- North Pacific Ocean 57
- Oregon 3
- Pacific Coast 46
- Pacific Coast (Calif.) 3
- Pacific Coast (Hawaii) 3
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) 4
- Pacific Ocean 60
- Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument 6
- Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument 8
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument 9
- Puerto Rico 49
- Rhode Island 10
- South Atlantic Bight 10
- Southern States 3
- South Pacific Ocean 3
- Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve 3
- Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve (Mich.) 4
- Turks and Caicos Islands 2
- United States 153
- United States Virgin Islands 20
- Wake Island 3
- Washington (State) 6
Select all docs (Max 200)
41 -
60 of 1087 Results
Refine Results:
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) (4)
- AKR (Alaska Region) (1)
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) (2)
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) (3)
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (1)
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) (1)
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) (3)
- CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) (1)
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) (1)
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) (10)
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) (2)
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) (108)
- CPO (Climate Program Office) (2)
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) (7)
- Education and outreach (2)
- FFO (Federally Funded Opportunity) (2)
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) (1)
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) (2)
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (3)
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) (3)
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) (17)
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) (10)
- NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) (1)
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) (9)
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) (11)
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) (3)
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) (1)
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) (34)
- NMNH (National Museum of Natural History & National Systematics Laboratory) (1)
- NOS (National Ocean Service) (43)
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) (4)
- NWS (National Weather Service) (1)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (3)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (1054)
- Ocean Exploration Program (1074)
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) (3)
- OER (Ocean Exploration and Research) (6)
- OET (Ocean Exploration Trust) (3)
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) (7)
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) (34)
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) (12)
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) (1)
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) (4)
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) (10)
- Sea Grant (7)
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) (1)
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) (1)
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) (5)
- WCR (West Coast Region) (1)
- Cruise Report (63)
- Data Report (2)
- Dive Summary (502)
- Journal Article (138)
- Manuals & Handbooks (4)
- Miscellaneous (1)
- Non-series Report (35)
- Planning Document (12)
- Processed Report (1)
- Professional Paper (1)
- Program & Policy Document (6)
- Project Instruction (84)
- Technical Memorandum (14)
- Technical Report (224)
- Abyssal zone (2)
- Accidents (3)
- Airplanes, Military (2)
- Aquatic Science (6)
- Artificial intelligence (2)
- Autonomous underwater vehicles (4)
- Bathymetric maps (5)
- Benthic animals (8)
- Benthic ecology (6)
- Benthos (9)
- Biochemistry (2)
- Biodiversity conservation (2)
- Bioluminescence (2)
- Black corals (2)
- BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 (3)
- Calibration (4)
- Chemical oceanography (3)
- Climate (2)
- Climatic changes (2)
- Conservation (2)
- Coral communities (66)
- Coral reef animals (4)
- Coral reef conservation (2)
- Coral reef ecology (10)
- Coral reef fishes (7)
- Coral reef management (2)
- Coral reefs and islands (22)
- Corals (16)
- Data curation (8)
- Data processing (5)
- Deep-sea animals (6)
- Deep-sea ecology (33)
- Deep-sea fishes (5)
- Deep-sea sounding (2)
- Deep sea corals (18)
- Digital video (3)
- Echo sounding in fishing (3)
- Ecological mapping (3)
- Ecology (7)
- Effect of fishing on (2)
- Effect of human beings on (2)
- Effect of oil spills on (4)
- Equipment and supplies (39)
- Evaluation (3)
- Fish surveys (3)
- Gas seepage (11)
- Geographical distribution (3)
- Global and Planetary Change (5)
- Habitat (16)
- Habitat (Ecology) (3)
- Handbooks, manuals, etc. (4)
- History (16)
- Hydrothermal vent animals (3)
- Hydrothermal vents (8)
- Instruments (3)
- International cooperation (6)
- Invertebrates (64)
- Lophelia (5)
- Marine animals (5)
- Marine habitats (64)
- Marine mammals (4)
- Marine meteorology (6)
- Marine sediments (5)
- Mathematical models (3)
- Microbiology (3)
- Mid-ocean ridges (10)
- Monitoring (73)
- Morphology (3)
- Multibeam mapping (566)
- Multibeam Mapping (154)
- Nancy Foster (Ship) (3)
- National Undersea Research Program (U.S.) (3)
- Observations (4)
- Ocean bottom (128)
- Ocean Engineering (5)
- Oceanographic instruments (33)
- Oceanography (90)
- Oil seepage (5)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) (528)
- Planning (4)
- Primnoidae (3)
- Remote sensing (143)
- Remote submersibles (4)
- Research (194)
- Scientific expeditions (131)
- Scientific Explorations (3)
- Seamounts (66)
- Shipwrecks (19)
- Sounding and soundings (15)
- Sponges (3)
- Submarine geology (117)
- Submarine topography (43)
- Submarine trenches (11)
- Submarine volcanoes (9)
- Testing (22)
- Underwater archaeology (34)
- Underwater exploration (680)
- Underwater Exploration (242)
- Water column (4)
- Water Science and Technology (5)
- Aegaeo (Ship). Cruise (2006 : Aegean Sea) (3)
- Caribbean Explorer I (Ship). Cruise (2006 : Caribbean Sea) (2)
- Galapagos Islands (1)
- Gulf of Mexico (1)
- Huron Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2008 : Lake Huron) (1)
- Laurentian (Ship). Cruise (2008 : Lake Huron) (1)
- Little Hercules (ROV) (1)
- Multibeam Mapping (1)
- O-9 (Submarine) (1)
- Ocean bottom (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) (6)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) (2016). (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2008) (4)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2009) (9)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2010 : Pacific Ocean) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (2012 : Mexico, Gulf of) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0801 : 2009) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0903 : 2009) (2)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0904 : 2009) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0905 : 2009) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0909 : 2010) (2)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0909L3 : 2009) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX0909L4 : 2009) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1001 : 2010) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1004L1 : 2010) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1004L2 : 2010) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1004L3 : 2010) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1004L4 : 2010) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1106 : 2011) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1202L2 : 2012) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1203 : 2012) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1205L1 : 2012) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1301 : 2013) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1302 : 2013) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1304L1 : 2013) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1305 : 2013) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1402 : 2014) (2)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1402L1 : 2014) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1402L3 : 2014) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1404 : 2014) (2)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1404L1 : 2014) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1404L3 : 2014) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1502 : 2015 : Puerto Rico) (2)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1502L1 : 2017 : Puerto Rico) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1503 : 2015 : Caribbean Area) (4)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1503 : 2015 : Pacific Ocean) (4)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1602 : 2016 ) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1602 : 2016) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1603 : 2016) (2)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1604 : 2016) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1605L1 : 2016) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1606 : 2016) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1607 : 2016) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1608 : 2016) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1609 : 2016) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1702 : 2017 : American Samoa) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1703 : 2017 : American Samoa) (3)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1705 : 2017 : American Samoa) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1707 : 2017 : Hawaii) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1708 : 2017 : Hawaii) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1709 : 2017 : Pacific Ocean) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1710 : 2017 : Mexico, Gulf of.) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1711 : 2017 : Mexico, Gulf of.) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1802 : 2018) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship). Cruise (EX1899 : 2018) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1003 : 2010) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1101 : 2011) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1103 : 2011) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1104 : 2011) (1)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) Cruise (EX1105 : 2011) (1)
- Pacific Coast (1)
- Remote sensing (1)
- Ronald H. Brown (Ship). Cruise (2003 : Antilles, Lesser) (1)
- Sable (Ship) (2)
- Seward Johnson (Ship). Cruise (2002 : Gulf of Mexico) (1)
- Titanic (Steamship) (2)
- Trouvadore (Ship) (2)
- Undwerwater exploration (1)
- United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (142)
- United States. Office of Ocean Exploration (12)
- Wolverine (Ship) (2)
- Aegean Sea (4)
- Alabama (1)
- Alaska (5)
- Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) (6)
- Alboran Sea (1)
- Aleutian Islands (Alaska) (3)
- American Samoa (25)
- Antilles, Lesser (2)
- Arctic Coast (Alaska) (1)
- Arctic Ocean (1)
- Atlantic Coast (13)
- Atlantic Coast (America) (1)
- Atlantic Coast (Mid Atlantic States) (1)
- Atlantic Coast (Middle Atlantic States) (20)
- Atlantic Coast (New England) (20)
- Atlantic coast (North America) (18)
- Atlantic Coast (R.I.) (3)
- Atlantic Coast (Rhode Island) (2)
- Atlantic Coast (South Atlantic States) (40)
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) (48)
- Atlantic Ocean (14)
- Baffin Bay (North Atlantic Ocean) (2)
- Bitung (13)
- Bitung (Minahasa) (2)
- Blake Plateau (31)
- Block Canyon (1)
- Block Canyon Deep (1)
- Bonaire (4)
- California (29)
- Canada (2)
- Caribbean Area (6)
- Caribbean Sea (27)
- Carribbean Sea (1)
- Central Pacific Ocean (1)
- Channel Islands (7)
- Channel Islands (Calif.) (1)
- Chukchi Sea (3)
- Continental margins (18)
- Continental shelf (12)
- Davidson Seamount (1)
- East of Mytilus Seamount (1)
- Ecuador (1)
- Florida (6)
- Florida, Straits of (3)
- Florida Keys (Fla.) (1)
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Fla.) (1)
- Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (Tex.) (1)
- Galapagos Islands (18)
- Galapagos Rift (3)
- Georgia (1)
- Glacier Bay (Alaska) (1)
- Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve (Alaska) (1)
- Great Lakes (North America) (3)
- Greece (3)
- Greenland (2)
- Grenada (1)
- Guam (1)
- Gulf of Mexico (16)
- Hawaii (77)
- Honolulu (7)
- Huron, Lake (Mich. and Ont.) (5)
- Indonesia (30)
- Line Islands (5)
- Maine, Gulf of (2)
- Mariana Islands (3)
- Marshall Islands (2)
- Mediterranean Sea (2)
- Mexico, Gulf of (59)
- Michigan (3)
- Michigan, Lake (2)
- Mid-Atlantic Bight (19)
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge (2)
- Mississippi (3)
- Netherlands Antilles (4)
- North America (2)
- North Atlantic Ocean (137)
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- Pacific Coast (46)
- Pacific Coast (Calif.) (3)
- Pacific Coast (Hawaii) (3)
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) (4)
- Pacific Ocean (60)
- Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (6)
- Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument (8)
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (9)
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- Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve (3)
- Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve (Mich.) (4)
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- United States (153)
- United States Virgin Islands (20)
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- Personal Author:Schierjott, Jana C. ;Ito, Garrett...2023 | Scientific Reports, 13(1)Description:Oceanic detachment faults represent an end-member form of seafloor creation, associated with relatively weak magmatism at slow-spreading mid-ocean rid...
- Personal Author:Kennedy, Brian R. C. ;Rotjan, Randi D.2023 | Frontiers in Marine Science, 10Description:The oceans contain 1,335 million km3 of water covering 361.9 million km2 of seafloor across 71% of the planet. In the past few decades, there has been...
- Personal Author:Johnson, Kellie ;Taylor, Avery...2023 | Frontiers in Marine Science, 10Description:Systematic surveys of the distribution of epibenthic megafaunal species relative to one another and to environmental variables in the deep sea can lea...
- Personal Author:Barber, Paul ;Martinez, Catalina...2023 | Oceanography, 36(4), 22-34Description:Diversity in ocean sciences lags far behind US demographics. A substantial body of research highlights barriers that limit the participation and succe...
- 2023 | Oceanography, 36(4)Description:Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led groups that engage in activities designed to foster a diverse, equitable, inclusive, acces...
- Catalyzing progress in the blue economy through joint marine microbiome research across the AtlanticPersonal Author:Ortmann, Alice C. ;Goodwin, Kelly D....2023 | Frontiers in Marine Science, 10Description:International agreements recognize the importance of cooperative scientific research to conserve and promote sustainable development of a shared Atlan...
- Personal Author:Cantwell, Kasey ;Demopoulos, Amanda W. J....2023 | Frontiers in Marine Science, 10Description:Initiated through Presidential direction and now codified, the National Ocean Mapping, Exploration, and Characterization (NOMEC) Council comprises lea...
- 2020 | Zoosymposia 19: 121–134Description:A new spionid polychaete was discovered in deep-sea sediments in the eastern Mediterranean Sea during an expedition by the Ocean Exploration Trust. Sp...