Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP)
This collection provides access to documents from the Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) describing research conducted or sponsored by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program, mainly in U.S. states, territories and remote areas of the Pacific Ocean. It includes data reports, technical memorandums, technical reports, training manuals, and other documents that cover coral reef management and stewardship, coral reef monitoring, and outreach and education projects and activities.
Select all docs (Max 200)
Narrow Results:
Year Published
- 2025 2
- 2024 115
- 2023 172
- 2022 150
- 2021 155
- 2020 151
- 2019 136
- 2018 99
- 2017 86
- 2016 124
- 2015 72
- 2014 80
- 2013 94
- 2012 102
- 2011 70
- 2010 89
- 2009 63
- 2008 68
- 2007 30
- 2006 46
- 2005 33
- 2004 9
- 2003 21
- 2002 21
- 2001 12
- 2000 8
- 1999 3
- 1998 5
- 1997 3
- 1996 2
- 1995 1
- 1994 2
- 1992 3
- 1991 5
- 1990 1
- 1989 1
- 1988 1
- 1986 3
- 1985 1
- 1982 1
- 1981 1
- 1979 2
- 1978 1
NOAA Program & Office
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) 22
- AKR (Alaska Region) 8
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) 134
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) 3
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) 3
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) 2
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) 3
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 53
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) 101
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) 1
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) 2
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) 10
- CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) 1
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) 6
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) 11
- CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services) 1
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System 2
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) 1972
- CPO (Climate Program Office) 2
- CSL (Chemical Sciences Laboratory) 1
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) 27
- Education and outreach 52
- EMC (Environmental Modelling Center) 2
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) 1
- FFO (Federally Funded Opportunity) 1
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) 4
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) 1
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) 2
- Hawai'i Coral Restoration Nursery, Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA 1
- Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Moku o Lóe, Kānéohe, Hawai'i, USA 1
- Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Moku o Lóe, Kānéohe, Hawai'i, USA|Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, United States 1
- Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Moku o Lóe, Kānéohe, Hawai'i, USA|Environmental Science and Monitoring, The Red Sea Development Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment 4
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) 3
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) 43
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) 2
- MPA (Marine Protected Areas) 128
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) 240
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) 15
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) 2
- NCRL (NOAA Central & Regional Libraries) 11
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) 17
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) 37
- NER (Northeast Region) 1
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) 96
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) 4
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) 3
- NMFS (National Marine Fishereis Service) 1
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) 771
- NOS (National Ocean Service) 639
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) 24
- NWS (National Weather Service) 6
- OA (Office of Aquaculture) 1
- OAP (Ocean Acidification Program) 10
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) 366
- Ocean Exploration Program 117
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) 35
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) 2
- OER (Ocean Exploration and Research) 11
- OET (Ocean Exploration Trust) 1
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) 37
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) 7
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) 122
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) 21
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) 18
- OSF (Office of Sustainable Fisheries) 2
- OSS (Office of Science Support) 3
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) 24
- OSTI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) 1
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) 315
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Science Center) 3
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) 34
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) 8
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) 2
- Restoration 17
- Sea Grant 64
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) 166
- SER (Southeast Region) 27
- Service) 1
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) 48
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) 16
- WCR (West Coast Region) 8
Document Type
- Administrative Report 27
- Bibliography 9
- Biological Opinion 10
- Conference Proceeding 7
- Cruise Report 110
- Data Report 20
- Dataset 2
- Dive Summary 33
- Environmental Assessment 31
- Environmental Impact Statement 2
- Instructional Material 4
- Journal Article 681
- Manuals & Handbooks 17
- Miscellaneous 193
- Newsletter 1
- Non-series Report 41
- Planning Document 23
- Processed Report 3
- Professional Paper 321
- Program & Policy Document 50
- Project Instruction 3
- Reference Document 3
- Report to Congress 9
- Special Publication 33
- Summary Report 3
- Technical Memorandum 299
- Technical Report 108
- Video 1
- Aquatic Science 95
- Benthic animals 18
- Benthos 146
- Biodiversity 17
- Catch effort 22
- Citizen participation 24
- Climatic changes 41
- Climatic factors 34
- Coastal zone management 47
- Conservation 119
- Coral bleaching 58
- Coral reef conservation 452
- Coral reef ecology 383
- Coral reef fisheries 73
- Coral reef fishes 178
- Coral reef management 232
- Coral reef restoration 41
- Coral reefs 20
- Coral reefs and islands 455
- Corals 247
- Deep sea corals 55
- Diseases 18
- Ecology 104
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 59
- Economic aspects 65
- Ecosystem management 19
- Effect of fishing on 16
- Effect of human beings on 62
- Effect of water pollution on 33
- Endangered species 18
- Environmental aspects 75
- Environmental Chemistry 19
- Environmental conditions 33
- Environmental impact analysis 57
- Environmental impact statements 26
- Environmental policy 21
- Estimates 26
- Evaluation 73
- Fisheries 39
- Fishers 18
- Fishery management 114
- Fishes 54
- Fishing 18
- Fish populations 43
- Fish stock assessment 47
- Fish surveys 58
- General Agricultural and Biological Sciences 23
- General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 29
- General Environmental Science 32
- General Medicine 24
- Genetics 16
- Geographical distribution 23
- Global and Planetary Change 54
- Government policy 42
- Habitat 196
- Habitat (Ecology) 22
- Habitat conservation 35
- Health 22
- Law and legislation 18
- Management 275
- Marine ecology 36
- Marine ecosystem management 161
- Marine parks and reserves 180
- Marine resources 87
- Marine resources conservation 115
- Measurement 33
- Monitoring 370
- Multibeam mapping 34
- Multibeam Mapping 22
- Multidisciplinary 33
- Nature and Landscape Conservation 20
- Ocean acidification 27
- Ocean bottom 30
- Ocean Engineering 37
- Oceanography 122
- Ocean temperature 18
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) 43
- Planning 76
- Pollution 43
- Prevention 23
- Reef fisheries 26
- Reef fishes 66
- Reefs 21
- Remote sensing 55
- Research 187
- Restoration ecology 33
- Social aspects 62
- Spawning 18
- Sponges 32
- Strategic planning 24
- Technology 18
- Underwater exploration 69
- Underwater Exploration 23
- Water 32
- Water quality 21
- Water quality management 32
- Water Science and Technology 36
- Watershed management 53
- Watershed restoration 33
- Watersheds 24
Name as Subject
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.) 1
- Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary 1
- Marine Applied 1
- NOAA Research Vessel Fulmar 1
- NOAA Ship Hi'ialakai 1
- NOAA Ship Nancy Foster 1
- NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette 1
- NOAA Ship Pisces 1
- NOAA’s Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary 1
- R/V Point Sur 3
- Research and Exploration 1
- The 1997 annual report provides a set of descriptors and indicators of the bottom fish fisheries from American Samoa, Guam, Hawaii and the Northern Mariana Islands. The descriptors are designed to document recent trends in landings, effort, participation, revenue and prices. Should management action be recommended, descriptor information will aid in assessing potential impacts of the action on fishery participants. The indicators are quantifiable and measurable tools used to identify signs of stress in the stocks or the fishery. Based on changes over time in indicator levels, the Bottom fish Plan Team (BPn may identify 11yellow light" situations (i.e., where stress is first detected) and recommend that either management action or additional study be undertaken or "red light" situations where immediate management action is needed. 1
- The Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Councils (Councils) propose an amendment to the Fishery Management Plan for Coral and Coral Reefs of the Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic (FMP) that adds "live rock" to the fishery management unit. Live rock means certain living marine organisms or an assemblage thereof attached to a hard substrate (including dead coral or rock). In addition to corals, these organisms include anemones, sponges, tube worms, bryozoans, sea squirts, and algae. 1
- The most important fish ( economically, culturally and socially) in the Pacific are oceanic and pelagic, meaning they live in the near-surface waters of the ocean, often far from shore. Tuna, billfish and other large pelagic species are among the world's most popular fish sought for food and sport. These fish are noteworthy for their rapid growth and, for the tunas, high rates of reproduction, as well as their remarkable swimming speed and stamina. Unlike nearshore pelagic species or bottom-dwelling fish that spend most of their lives near islands, pelagic fish move freely in the oceanic environment. Variations in the distribution and abundance of these nomadic species are often related to differences between their life history profiles, migration patterns and habits that are affected by ever-changing environmental influences, such as water temperatures, current patterns and the availability of food. 1
- The reasons why changes are being proposed are discussed in the section titled "Purpose and Need for Action". Proposed Alternatives are summarized under "Proposed Actions". A brief overview of the current stock assessment and findings of the Reef Fish Stock Assessment Panel (RFSAP) is in "Status of the Gag Stock" followed by a synopsis of spawning potential ratio (SPR). A detailed discussion of the rationale, biological impacts, socioeconomic impacts, and regulatory impacts of both the alternatives presented is in "Management Alternatives and Regulatory Impact Review". The "History of Management" provides a summary of all changes to the management of groupers since the Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan was implemented. 1
- The recreational fisheries in the Gulf region are larger than other east coast regions in terms of landings and participants. During 1995 and 1996, an average of about 4.0 million persons participated in marine recreational fishing in the Gulf states (National Marine Fisheries Service [NMFS] 1997) (Page Campbell, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department [TPWD], personal comm). They made approximately 26. 7 million trips annually and landed approximately 205 million pounds of fish. Marine recreational fishermen in the Gulf states spent $3.5 billion and created an overall economic impact of$7.0 billion (ASFA, 1997). 1
- This American Samoa Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan (FEP) was developed by the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council and represents the first step in an incremental and collaborative approach to implement ecosystem approaches to fishery management in American Samoa. 1
- This document assesses impacts to terrestrial and marine habitats within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM or Monument) at Lalo (French Frigate Shoals) in light of a rapidly changing climate. It frames the existing problem(s) and proposes a path forward with respect to investigations and other actions warranted to better understand, predict, and adapt to climate-related impacts at Lalo. It lays out a plan to engage the larger inter-agency working group in this exercise, in a robust and sustainable manner necessary to protect and maintain healthy ecosystems and ecosystem services within PMNM in the coming decades. 1
- This is a regulatory amendment, sometimes known as a framework procedure amendment, to the Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan. A regulatory amendment is used to implement changes to the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for a reef fish Stock or Stock complex, along with any changes to fishing regulations size limits. bag and trip limits. etc.) that are needed to achieve the TAC. The TAC is a level of fishing intended to obtain Optimum Yield and to prevent overfishing, or to follow a recovery plan when a stock is overfished. Regulatory fishing amendments differ from a plan amendments in that they are used to set TACs and associated regulations, whereas plan amendments are used to make changes in the basic policies and procedures defired in a fishery management plan. A regulatory amendment is limited in its scope and follows a specific procedure which is described later in this document. 1
Place as Subject
- Alaska 11
- Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) 4
- American Samoa 93
- Atlantic Coast 13
- Atlantic Coast (Fla.) 4
- Atlantic Coast (South Atlantic States) 11
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.) 6
- Atlantic Ocean 13
- Baker Island 5
- Belize 8
- Bermuda Islands 3
- Biscayne Bay 3
- Bonaire 4
- California 17
- Caribbean Area 36
- Caribbean Sea 31
- Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (Calif.) 3
- Colombia 4
- Coral Triangle 4
- Cordell Bank 3
- Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Calif.) 3
- Culebra 3
- Culebra Island 3
- Dry Tortugas 10
- Dry Tortugas (Fla.) 12
- Dry Tortugas National Park 3
- Fiji 6
- Florida 130
- Florida, South 3
- Florida Keys 14
- Florida Keys (Fla.) 10
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary 24
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Fla.) 7
- Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary 5
- Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (Tex.) 17
- Georgia 8
- Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary 3
- Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (Ga.) 7
- Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) 8
- Guam 64
- Guánica 3
- Gulf Coast 6
- Gulf Coast (Fla.) 3
- Gulf Coast (U.S.) 11
- Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary 3
- Hawaii 181
- Hawaiian Islands 3
- Honduras 3
- Howland Island 4
- Indonesia 4
- Islands of the Pacific 43
- Jamaica 4
- Jarvis Island 5
- Jarvis Island (Line Islands) 5
- Johnston Island 5
- Kaneohe Bay 4
- Kingman Reef (Line Islands) 4
- Leeward Islands 10
- Line Islands 18
- Mariana Islands 20
- Marshall Islands 3
- Maui 17
- Maui (Hawaii) 4
- Mexico, Gulf of 68
- Micronesia (Federated States) 7
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 3
- Negril 3
- Netherlands Antilles 4
- North Atlantic Ocean 51
- North Carolina 6
- Northern Mariana Islands 49
- North Pacific Ocean 32
- Oahu 7
- Pacific Coast 14
- Pacific Coast (U.S.) 8
- Pacific Ocean 67
- Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument 9
- Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (Line Islands) 11
- Palau 11
- Palmyra Atoll (Line Islands) 4
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument 12
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Hawaii) 10
- Philippines 7
- Puerto Rico 95
- Saint Croix 16
- Saint John 15
- Saint Thomas 9
- Saint Thomas (Island) 5
- Saipan 5
- South Atlantic Bight 6
- South Atlantic States 5
- Texas 7
- Tutuila Island 4
- Tutuila Island (American Samoa) 4
- United States 221
- United States Virgin Islands 104
- Vieques Island 4
- Virgin Islands 5
- Wake Island 8
- Washington (State) 6
Select all docs (Max 200)
2041 -
2044 of 2044 Results
Refine Results:
- 2025 (2)
- 2024 (115)
- 2023 (172)
- 2022 (150)
- 2021 (155)
- 2020 (151)
- 2019 (136)
- 2018 (99)
- 2017 (86)
- 2016 (124)
- 2015 (72)
- 2014 (80)
- 2013 (94)
- 2012 (102)
- 2011 (70)
- 2010 (89)
- 2009 (63)
- 2008 (68)
- 2007 (30)
- 2006 (46)
- 2005 (33)
- 2004 (9)
- 2003 (21)
- 2002 (21)
- 2001 (12)
- 2000 (8)
- 1999 (3)
- 1998 (5)
- 1997 (3)
- 1996 (2)
- 1995 (1)
- 1994 (2)
- 1992 (3)
- 1991 (5)
- 1990 (1)
- 1989 (1)
- 1988 (1)
- 1986 (3)
- 1985 (1)
- 1982 (1)
- 1981 (1)
- 1979 (2)
- 1978 (1)
- AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) (22)
- AKR (Alaska Region) (8)
- AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) (134)
- CESSRST (Cooperative Science Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies) (3)
- CICOES (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies) (3)
- CICS (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites) (2)
- CICSM (Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites Maryland) (3)
- CIMAR (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (53)
- CIMAS (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies) (101)
- CIMRS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies) (1)
- CINAR (Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region) (2)
- CIOERT (Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology) (10)
- CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) (1)
- CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) (6)
- CISESS (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies) (11)
- CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services) (1)
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System (2)
- CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) (1972)
- CPO (Climate Program Office) (2)
- CSL (Chemical Sciences Laboratory) (1)
- DWH (Deepwater Horizon) (27)
- Education and outreach (52)
- EMC (Environmental Modelling Center) (2)
- ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) (1)
- FFO (Federally Funded Opportunity) (1)
- GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) (4)
- GLERL (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory) (1)
- GSL (Global Systems Laboratory) (2)
- Hawai'i Coral Restoration Nursery, Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA (1)
- Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Moku o Lóe, Kānéohe, Hawai'i, USA (1)
- Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Moku o Lóe, Kānéohe, Hawai'i, USA|Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, United States (1)
- Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Moku o Lóe, Kānéohe, Hawai'i, USA|Environmental Science and Monitoring, The Red Sea Development Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1)
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (4)
- IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) (3)
- JIMAR (Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research) (43)
- JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean) (2)
- MPA (Marine Protected Areas) (128)
- NCCOS (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science) (240)
- NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) (15)
- NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) (2)
- NCRL (NOAA Central & Regional Libraries) (11)
- NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center) (17)
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) (37)
- NER (Northeast Region) (1)
- NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) (96)
- NGI (Northern Gulf Institute) (4)
- NGS (Office of National Geodetic Survey) (3)
- NMFS (National Marine Fishereis Service) (1)
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) (771)
- NOS (National Ocean Service) (639)
- NWFSC (Northwest Fisheries Science Center) (24)
- NWS (National Weather Service) (6)
- OA (Office of Aquaculture) (1)
- OAP (Ocean Acidification Program) (10)
- OAR (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) (366)
- Ocean Exploration Program (117)
- OCM (Office for Coastal Management) (35)
- OCS (Office of Coast Survey) (2)
- OER (Ocean Exploration and Research) (11)
- OET (Ocean Exploration Trust) (1)
- OHC (Office of Habitat Conservation) (37)
- OMAO (Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) (7)
- ONMS (Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) (122)
- OPR (Office of Protected Resources) (21)
- ORR (Office of Response and Restoration) (18)
- OSF (Office of Sustainable Fisheries) (2)
- OSS (Office of Science Support) (3)
- OST (Office of Science and Technology) (24)
- OSTI (Office of Science and Technology Integration) (1)
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center) (315)
- PIFSC (Pacific Islands Science Center) (3)
- PIR (Pacific Island Region) (34)
- PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) (8)
- PSL (Physical Sciences Laboratory) (2)
- Restoration (17)
- Sea Grant (64)
- SEFSC (Southeast Fisheries Science Center) (166)
- SER (Southeast Region) (27)
- Service) (1)
- STAR (Center for Satellite Applications and Research) (48)
- SWFSC (Southwest Fisheries Science Center) (16)
- WCR (West Coast Region) (8)
- Administrative Report (27)
- Bibliography (9)
- Biological Opinion (10)
- Conference Proceeding (7)
- Cruise Report (110)
- Data Report (20)
- Dataset (2)
- Dive Summary (33)
- Environmental Assessment (31)
- Environmental Impact Statement (2)
- Instructional Material (4)
- Journal Article (681)
- Manuals & Handbooks (17)
- Miscellaneous (193)
- Newsletter (1)
- Non-series Report (41)
- Planning Document (23)
- Processed Report (3)
- Professional Paper (321)
- Program & Policy Document (50)
- Project Instruction (3)
- Reference Document (3)
- Report to Congress (9)
- Special Publication (33)
- Summary Report (3)
- Technical Memorandum (299)
- Technical Report (108)
- Video (1)
- Aquatic Science (95)
- Benthic animals (18)
- Benthos (146)
- Biodiversity (17)
- Catch effort (22)
- Citizen participation (24)
- Climatic changes (41)
- Climatic factors (34)
- Coastal zone management (47)
- Conservation (119)
- Coral bleaching (58)
- Coral reef conservation (452)
- Coral reef ecology (383)
- Coral reef fisheries (73)
- Coral reef fishes (178)
- Coral reef management (232)
- Coral reef restoration (41)
- Coral reefs (20)
- Coral reefs and islands (455)
- Corals (247)
- Deep sea corals (55)
- Diseases (18)
- Ecology (104)
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (59)
- Economic aspects (65)
- Ecosystem management (19)
- Effect of fishing on (16)
- Effect of human beings on (62)
- Effect of water pollution on (33)
- Endangered species (18)
- Environmental aspects (75)
- Environmental Chemistry (19)
- Environmental conditions (33)
- Environmental impact analysis (57)
- Environmental impact statements (26)
- Environmental policy (21)
- Estimates (26)
- Evaluation (73)
- Fisheries (39)
- Fishers (18)
- Fishery management (114)
- Fishes (54)
- Fishing (18)
- Fish populations (43)
- Fish stock assessment (47)
- Fish surveys (58)
- General Agricultural and Biological Sciences (23)
- General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (29)
- General Environmental Science (32)
- General Medicine (24)
- Genetics (16)
- Geographical distribution (23)
- Global and Planetary Change (54)
- Government policy (42)
- Habitat (196)
- Habitat (Ecology) (22)
- Habitat conservation (35)
- Health (22)
- Law and legislation (18)
- Management (275)
- Marine ecology (36)
- Marine ecosystem management (161)
- Marine parks and reserves (180)
- Marine resources (87)
- Marine resources conservation (115)
- Measurement (33)
- Monitoring (370)
- Multibeam mapping (34)
- Multibeam Mapping (22)
- Multidisciplinary (33)
- Nature and Landscape Conservation (20)
- Ocean acidification (27)
- Ocean bottom (30)
- Ocean Engineering (37)
- Oceanography (122)
- Ocean temperature (18)
- Okeanos Explorer (Ship) (43)
- Planning (76)
- Pollution (43)
- Prevention (23)
- Reef fisheries (26)
- Reef fishes (66)
- Reefs (21)
- Remote sensing (55)
- Research (187)
- Restoration ecology (33)
- Social aspects (62)
- Spawning (18)
- Sponges (32)
- Strategic planning (24)
- Technology (18)
- Underwater exploration (69)
- Underwater Exploration (23)
- Water (32)
- Water quality (21)
- Water quality management (32)
- Water Science and Technology (36)
- Watershed management (53)
- Watershed restoration (33)
- Watersheds (24)
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Agency : U.S.) (1)
- Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (1)
- Marine Applied (1)
- NOAA Research Vessel Fulmar (1)
- NOAA Ship Hi'ialakai (1)
- NOAA Ship Nancy Foster (1)
- NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette (1)
- NOAA Ship Pisces (1)
- NOAA’s Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (1)
- R/V Point Sur (3)
- Research and Exploration (1)
- The 1997 annual report provides a set of descriptors and indicators of the bottom fish fisheries from American Samoa, Guam, Hawaii and the Northern Mariana Islands. The descriptors are designed to document recent trends in landings, effort, participation, revenue and prices. Should management action be recommended, descriptor information will aid in assessing potential impacts of the action on fishery participants. The indicators are quantifiable and measurable tools used to identify signs of stress in the stocks or the fishery. Based on changes over time in indicator levels, the Bottom fish Plan Team (BPn may identify 11yellow light" situations (i.e., where stress is first detected) and recommend that either management action or additional study be undertaken or "red light" situations where immediate management action is needed. (1)
- The Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Councils (Councils) propose an amendment to the Fishery Management Plan for Coral and Coral Reefs of the Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic (FMP) that adds "live rock" to the fishery management unit. Live rock means certain living marine organisms or an assemblage thereof attached to a hard substrate (including dead coral or rock). In addition to corals, these organisms include anemones, sponges, tube worms, bryozoans, sea squirts, and algae. (1)
- The most important fish ( economically, culturally and socially) in the Pacific are oceanic and pelagic, meaning they live in the near-surface waters of the ocean, often far from shore. Tuna, billfish and other large pelagic species are among the world's most popular fish sought for food and sport. These fish are noteworthy for their rapid growth and, for the tunas, high rates of reproduction, as well as their remarkable swimming speed and stamina. Unlike nearshore pelagic species or bottom-dwelling fish that spend most of their lives near islands, pelagic fish move freely in the oceanic environment. Variations in the distribution and abundance of these nomadic species are often related to differences between their life history profiles, migration patterns and habits that are affected by ever-changing environmental influences, such as water temperatures, current patterns and the availability of food. (1)
- The reasons why changes are being proposed are discussed in the section titled "Purpose and Need for Action". Proposed Alternatives are summarized under "Proposed Actions". A brief overview of the current stock assessment and findings of the Reef Fish Stock Assessment Panel (RFSAP) is in "Status of the Gag Stock" followed by a synopsis of spawning potential ratio (SPR). A detailed discussion of the rationale, biological impacts, socioeconomic impacts, and regulatory impacts of both the alternatives presented is in "Management Alternatives and Regulatory Impact Review". The "History of Management" provides a summary of all changes to the management of groupers since the Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan was implemented. (1)
- The recreational fisheries in the Gulf region are larger than other east coast regions in terms of landings and participants. During 1995 and 1996, an average of about 4.0 million persons participated in marine recreational fishing in the Gulf states (National Marine Fisheries Service [NMFS] 1997) (Page Campbell, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department [TPWD], personal comm). They made approximately 26. 7 million trips annually and landed approximately 205 million pounds of fish. Marine recreational fishermen in the Gulf states spent $3.5 billion and created an overall economic impact of$7.0 billion (ASFA, 1997). (1)
- This American Samoa Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan (FEP) was developed by the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council and represents the first step in an incremental and collaborative approach to implement ecosystem approaches to fishery management in American Samoa. (1)
- This document assesses impacts to terrestrial and marine habitats within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM or Monument) at Lalo (French Frigate Shoals) in light of a rapidly changing climate. It frames the existing problem(s) and proposes a path forward with respect to investigations and other actions warranted to better understand, predict, and adapt to climate-related impacts at Lalo. It lays out a plan to engage the larger inter-agency working group in this exercise, in a robust and sustainable manner necessary to protect and maintain healthy ecosystems and ecosystem services within PMNM in the coming decades. (1)
- This is a regulatory amendment, sometimes known as a framework procedure amendment, to the Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan. A regulatory amendment is used to implement changes to the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for a reef fish Stock or Stock complex, along with any changes to fishing regulations size limits. bag and trip limits. etc.) that are needed to achieve the TAC. The TAC is a level of fishing intended to obtain Optimum Yield and to prevent overfishing, or to follow a recovery plan when a stock is overfished. Regulatory fishing amendments differ from a plan amendments in that they are used to set TACs and associated regulations, whereas plan amendments are used to make changes in the basic policies and procedures defired in a fishery management plan. A regulatory amendment is limited in its scope and follows a specific procedure which is described later in this document. (1)
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- Personal Author:Towle, Erica K. ;Donovan, E. Caroline...2022 | Frontiers in Marine Science, 8CRCP Project ; ID 743Description:National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coral Reef Conservation Program supports the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) in the...
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- Personal Author:Etnoyer, Peter ;Bassett, Rachel...2021 | NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-OHC ; 09Description:This report details activities undertaken between 2016-2019, including 21 expeditions on five research vessels and a dozen small projects. Small proje...
- 2020 | NOAA technical memorandum NMFS OHC ; 007Description:The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (Program) compiles, curates, and makes publi...
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